Domain assignments for the putative target proteins found in NC_013194.1

Hover mouse over the colored boxes to see domains; the VR-encoding region for each target protein is indicated by a yellow bar below the protein. (explain)
Target gene: NC_013194.1_2651844_2655122_+ (VR-encoding: 1045-1091 aa; domain assignment in txt)
FGE-sulfatase: 863-1085 aa TIR_2: 133-249 aa NACHT: 354-501 aa CLec1: 1053-1084 aa
Target gene: NC_013194.1_2656863_2659337_- (VR-encoding: 778-824 aa; domain assignment in txt)
FGE-sulfatase: 513-817 aa NACHT: 30-196 aa CLec1: 785-816 aa
Target gene: NC_013194.1_3551055_3551873_- (VR-encoding: 222-265 aa; domain assignment in txt)
FGE-sulfatase: 48-262 aa CLec1: 229-260 aa
Target gene: NC_013194.1_3554658_3557486_- (VR-encoding: 850-893 aa; domain assignment in txt)
FGE-sulfatase: 658-890 aa CLec1: 857-888 aa