myDGR report for SRS023914_Baylor_scaffold_30401

Seq: SRS023914_Baylor_scaffold_30401 (57127 bp)

Download:  annotation in gff; reverse transcriptase (RT); target gene; accessory gene

Explore:   TR-VR alignment (colored, MSA); domain organization of the target protein(s); similar RTs

Visualize: summary of the putative DGR system(s) (explain)

Overview 1 Locus 1: 32848-56719 bp Zoom in on locus 1 Feature: CDS Location: 32848-34806 bp Feature: CDS Location: 34815-36935 bp Feature: CDS Location: 36889-37332 bp Feature: CDS Location: 37455-38192 bp Feature: CDS Location: 38195-38365 bp Feature: CDS Location: 38394-39914 bp Feature: CDS Location: 40000-40668 bp Feature: CDS Location: 40682-41317 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 41317-49878 bp Feature: CDS Location: 50039-50374 bp Feature: CDS Location: 50358-50660 bp Feature: RT Des: DGR reverse transcriptase Location: 50835-51782 bp Feature: accessory Des: PAG1 Location: 51858-52391 bp Feature: accessory Des: CH1 Location: 52465-52935 bp Feature: CDS Location: 53054-53302 bp Feature: CDS Location: 53299-53904 bp Feature: CDS Location: 53966-54562 bp Feature: CDS Location: 54555-55100 bp Feature: CDS Location: 55102-55644 bp Feature: CDS Location: 55664-56179 bp Feature: CDS Location: 56192-56719 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.