myDGR report for SRS064276_LANL_scaffold_69549

Seq: SRS064276_LANL_scaffold_69549 (74998 bp)

Download:  annotation in gff; reverse transcriptase (RT); target gene; accessory gene

Explore:   TR-VR alignment (colored, MSA); domain organization of the target protein(s); similar RTs

Visualize: summary of the putative DGR system(s) (explain)

Overview 1 Locus 1: 49102-74544 bp Zoom in on locus 1 Feature: CDS Location: 49102-49365 bp Feature: CDS Location: 49369-55005 bp Feature: CDS Location: 55013-55516 bp Feature: CDS Location: 55925-56077 bp Feature: CDS Location: 56437-57228 bp Feature: CDS Location: 57385-57897 bp Feature: CDS Location: 57899-60736 bp Feature: CDS Location: 60740-61942 bp Feature: CDS Location: 61948-62175 bp Feature: CDS Location: 62165-63187 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 63209-64528 bp Feature: CDS Location: 64600-64764 bp Feature: CDS Location: 64852-64986 bp Feature: RT Des: DGR reverse transcriptase Location: 65043-65723 bp Feature: accessory Des: PAG1 Location: 65885-66472 bp Feature: CDS Location: 66490-66864 bp Feature: CDS Location: 66869-68188 bp Feature: CDS Location: 68218-68703 bp Feature: CDS Location: 68700-69116 bp Feature: CDS Location: 69140-69841 bp Feature: CDS Location: 69844-70407 bp Feature: CDS Location: 70440-70832 bp Feature: CDS Location: 70851-71495 bp Feature: CDS Location: 71584-71877 bp Feature: CDS Location: 71867-72115 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72120-72404 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72401-72613 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72635-73495 bp Feature: CDS Location: 73621-74358 bp Feature: CDS Location: 74359-74544 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.