
myRT report for GCA_001267515.1_ASM126751v1

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Seq: CP011997.1 Ralstonia solanacearum strain YC45, complete genome (3724487 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 779375-786977 bp 2 RT 2: 1140067-1146411 bp 3 RT 3: 1889821-1894388 bp 4 RT 4: 1950071-1956222 bp 5 RT 5: 2224461-2229601 bp 6 RT 6: 2492001-2499963 bp 7 RT 7: 2924806-2930024 bp 8 RT 8: 3044366-3049952 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [779375, 786979] COG4324 PRK07059 RVT-GII GIIM MFS_ShiA_like OmpC Neighborhood of RT #2 [1140067, 1146527] PBP1_ABC-type_HAAT_like MmsB RVT-GII GIIM MarR ClcA CBS_pair_Sp... Neighborhood of RT #3 [1889821, 1894480] RVT-GII GIIM McrA Terminase_4 Neighborhood of RT #4 [1950071, 1956233] rimO PRK10550 RVT-GII GIIM FNR1 PRK00215 Neighborhood of RT #5 [2224461, 2229603] rbfA truB RVT-GII GIIM L-asparaginase_II PriB Neighborhood of RT #6 [2492001, 2500001] PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_14 PRK06997 RVT-GII GIIM PRK06635 tilS Neighborhood of RT #7 [2924806, 2930041] SseA RhaT RVT-GII GIIM PRK10610 Neighborhood of RT #8 [3044366, 3049975] QueC Sulf_transp RVT-GII GIIM HcaE PRK00977 Feature: gene Location: 779375-780529 bp Ori: AKZ25496.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4324 Location: 779426-780440 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4324 Location: 779426-780440 bp Feature: gene Location: 780608-782317 bp Ori: AKZ25497.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK07059 Location: 780611-782300 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK07059 Location: 78061 1 -782300 bp Feature: gene Location: 782786-784153 bp Ori: AKZ25498.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 783119-783734 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7831 1 9-783734 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 783791-784007 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 783791 -784007 bp Feature: gene Location: 784256-785575 bp Ori: AKZ25499.1 Feature: domain Description: MFS_ShiA_like Location: 784331-785540 bp Feature: domain Description: MFS_ShiA_like Location: 784331 -785540 bp Feature: gene Location: 785810-786979 bp Ori: AKZ25500.1 Feature: domain Description: OmpC Location: 785816-786977 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpC Location: 78581 6-786977 bp Feature: gene Location: 1140067-1141236 bp Ori: AKZ25799.1 Feature: domain Description: PBP1_ABC-type_HAAT_like Location: 1140154-1141192 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP1 _ABC-type_HAAT_like Location: 1 1 401 54-1 1 41 1 92 bp Feature: gene Location: 1141250-1142146 bp Ori: AKZ25800.1 Feature: domain Description: MmsB Location: 1141256-1142120 bp Feature: domain Description: MmsB Location: 1 1 41 256-1 1 421 20 bp Feature: gene Location: 1142752-1144119 bp Ori: AKZ25801.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1143085-1143700 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 1 43085-1 1 43700 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1143757-1143973 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 1 43757-1 1 43973 bp Feature: gene Location: 1144298-1144717 bp Ori: AKZ25802.1 Feature: domain Description: MarR Location: 1144373-1144661 bp Feature: domain Description: MarR Location: 1 1 44373-1 1 44661 bp Feature: gene Location: 1144728-1146527 bp Ori: AKZ25803.1 Feature: domain Description: ClcA Location: 1144743-1146030 bp Feature: domain Description: ClcA Location: 1 1 44743-1 1 46030 bp Feature: domain Description: CBS_pair_Sp... Location: 1146075-1146411 bp Feature: domain Description: CBS_pair_Sp... Location: 1 1 46075-1 1 4641 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 1889821-1890135 bp Feature: gene Location: 1890122-1890538 bp Feature: gene Location: 1891033-1892400 bp Ori: AKZ26322.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1891366-1891981 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 891 366-1 891 981 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1892038-1892254 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 892038-1 892254 bp Feature: gene Location: 1893373-1893747 bp Ori: AKZ26323.1 Feature: domain Description: McrA Location: 1893394-1893733 bp Feature: domain Description: McrA Location: 1 893394-1 893733 bp Feature: gene Location: 1893968-1894480 bp Ori: AKZ26324.1 Feature: domain Description: Terminase_4 Location: 1894097-1894388 bp Feature: domain Description: Terminase_4 Location: 1 894097-1 894388 bp Feature: gene Location: 1950071-1951432 bp Ori: AKZ26379.1 Gene: rimO Feature: domain Description: rimO Location: 1950086-1951427 bp Feature: domain Description: rimO Location: 1 950086-1 951 427 bp Feature: gene Location: 1951499-1952479 bp Ori: AKZ26380.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10550 Location: 1951508-1952438 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0550 Location: 1 951 508-1 952438 bp Feature: gene Location: 1952738-1954105 bp Ori: AKZ26381.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1953071-1953686 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 953071 -1 953686 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1953743-1953959 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 953743-1 953959 bp Feature: gene Location: 1954559-1955335 bp Ori: AKZ26382.1 Feature: domain Description: FNR1 Location: 1954583-1955318 bp Feature: domain Description: FNR1 Location: 1 954583-1 95531 8 bp Feature: gene Location: 1955583-1956233 bp Ori: AKZ26383.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK00215 Location: 1955595-1956222 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK0021 5 Location: 1 955595-1 956222 bp Feature: gene Location: 2224461-2224832 bp Ori: AKZ26591.1 Feature: domain Description: rbfA Location: 2224485-2224824 bp Feature: domain Description: rbfA Location: 2224485-2224824 bp Feature: gene Location: 2224835-2225779 bp Ori: AKZ26592.1 Gene: truB Feature: domain Description: truB Location: 2224850-2225774 bp Feature: domain Description: truB Location: 2224850-2225774 bp Feature: gene Location: 2226238-2227605 bp Ori: AKZ26593.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2226571-2227186 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2226571 -22271 86 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2227243-2227459 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2227243-2227459 bp Feature: gene Location: 2227755-2228750 bp Ori: AKZ27995.1 Feature: domain Description: L-asparaginase_II Location: 2227770-2228715 bp Feature: domain Description: L-asparaginase_II Location: 2227770-222871 5 bp Feature: gene Location: 2229277-2229603 bp Ori: AKZ26594.1 Feature: domain Description: PriB Location: 2229298-2229601 bp Feature: domain Description: PriB Location: 2229298-2229601 bp Feature: gene Location: 2492001-2493878 bp Ori: AKZ26795.1 Feature: domain Description: PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_14 Location: 2492133-2493801 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_1 4 Location: 24921 33-2493801 bp Feature: gene Location: 2494144-2494938 bp Ori: AKZ26796.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK06997 Location: 2494147-2494915 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK06997 Location: 24941 47-249491 5 bp Feature: gene Location: 2495081-2496448 bp Ori: AKZ26797.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2495414-2496029 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 249541 4-2496029 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2496086-2496302 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2496086-2496302 bp Feature: gene Location: 2497195-2498445 bp Ori: AKZ26798.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK06635 Location: 2497198-2498437 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK06635 Location: 24971 98-2498437 bp Feature: gene Location: 2498574-2500001 bp Ori: AKZ26799.1 Feature: domain Description: tilS Location: 2498691-2499963 bp Feature: domain Description: tilS Location: 2498691 -2499963 bp Feature: gene Location: 2924806-2925696 bp Ori: AKZ27180.1 Feature: domain Description: SseA Location: 2924821-2925688 bp Feature: domain Description: SseA Location: 2924821 -2925688 bp Feature: gene Location: 2925726-2926700 bp Ori: AKZ27181.1 Feature: domain Description: RhaT Location: 2925780-2926617 bp Feature: domain Description: RhaT Location: 2925780-292661 7 bp Feature: gene Location: 2927153-2928520 bp Ori: AKZ27182.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2927486-2928101 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2927486-29281 01 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2928158-2928374 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 29281 58-2928374 bp Feature: gene Location: 2928746-2929102 bp Feature: gene Location: 2929637-2930041 bp Ori: AKZ27184.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10610 Location: 2929646-2930024 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 061 0 Location: 2929646-2930024 bp Feature: gene Location: 3044366-3045040 bp Ori: AKZ27284.1 Feature: domain Description: QueC Location: 3044369-3045038 bp Feature: domain Description: QueC Location: 3044369-3045038 bp Feature: gene Location: 3045059-3046174 bp Ori: AKZ27285.1 Feature: domain Description: Sulf_transp Location: 3045149-3046133 bp Feature: domain Description: Sulf_transp Location: 30451 49-30461 33 bp Feature: gene Location: 3046761-3048128 bp Ori: AKZ27286.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3047094-3047709 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3047094-3047709 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3047766-3047982 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3047766-3047982 bp Feature: gene Location: 3048261-3049358 bp Ori: AKZ27287.1 Feature: domain Description: HcaE Location: 3048303-3049350 bp Feature: domain Description: HcaE Location: 3048303-3049350 bp Feature: gene Location: 3049691-3049975 bp Ori: AKZ27288.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK00977 Location: 3049739-3049952 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK00977 Location: 3049739-3049952 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT COG4324 (Predicted aminopeptidase ), PRK07059 (Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase; Validated), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), MFS_ShiA_like (cd17369), OmpC (COG3203), PBP1_ABC-type_HAAT_like, MmsB (COG2084), MarR (pfam01047), ClcA (COG0038)
CBS_pair_Sp..., McrA (COG4058), Terminase_4 (pfam05119), rimO (PRK14862), PRK10550 (tRNA dihydrouridine(16) synthase DusC), FNR1 (cd06195), PRK00215 (transcriptional repressor LexA), rbfA (TIGR00082), truB (PRK14846), L-asparaginase_II (cd08964)
PriB (COG2965), PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_14 (cd08497), PRK06997 (enoyl- reductase FabI), PRK06635 (aspartate kinase; Reviewed), tilS (PRK10660), SseA (COG2897), RhaT (TIGR00776), PRK10610 (chemotaxis protein CheY), QueC (pfam06508), Sulf_transp (pfam04143)
HcaE (COG4638), PRK00977 (exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit; Provisional)