
myRT report for GCA_002209385.1_ASM220938v1

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Seq: CP022129.1 Methylovulum psychrotolerans strain HV10_M2 chromosome, complete genome (4923400 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 876890-880584 bp 2 RT 2: 2216617-2225970 bp 3 RT 3: 4673845-4684155 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [876890, 880584] YgjP BrnA_antitoxin RVT-Retrons AAA_21 Neighborhood of RT #2 [2216617, 2225996] CRISPR_Cas2 Cas_Cas1 RVT-CRISPR PDDEXK_1 RecB RecB Neighborhood of RT #3 [4673845, 4684166] vWA_subgroup RVT-GII couple_hipB HipA_So_like RVT-GII PRK10700 TauE Feature: gene Location: 876890-877396 bp Ori: ASF45256.1 Feature: domain Description: YgjP Location: 876977-877373 bp Feature: domain Description: YgjP Location: 876977-877373 bp Feature: gene Location: 877518-877604 bp Ori: ASF45257.1 Feature: domain Description: BrnA_antitoxin Location: 877521-877587 bp Feature: domain Description: BrnA_antitoxin Location: 877521 -877587 bp Feature: gene Location: 877829-878776 bp Ori: ASF45258.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 877958-878504 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 877958-878504 bp Feature: gene Location: 878779-880143 bp Ori: ASF45259.1 Feature: domain Description: AAA_21 Location: 878863-879526 bp Feature: domain Description: AAA_21 Location: 878863-879526 bp Feature: gene Location: 880357-880584 bp Feature: gene Location: 2216617-2216964 bp Ori: ASF46393.1 Gene: cas2 Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas2 Location: 2216632-2216827 bp Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas2 Location: 221 6632-221 6827 bp Feature: gene Location: 2217017-2218048 bp Ori: ASF46394.1 Gene: cas1 Feature: domain Description: Cas_Cas1 Location: 2217083-2217911 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas_Cas1 Location: 221 7083-221 791 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 2218041-2218880 bp Ori: ASF46395.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 2218251-2218851 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 221 8251 -221 8851 bp Feature: gene Location: 2220112-2222859 bp Ori: ASF46396.1 Feature: domain Description: PDDEXK_1 Location: 2221981-2222584 bp Feature: domain Description: PDDEXK_1 Location: 2221 981 -2222584 bp Feature: gene Location: 2222850-2225996 bp Ori: ASF46397.1 Feature: domain Description: RecB Location: 2222865-2223039 bp Feature: domain Description: RecB Location: 2222865-2223039 bp Feature: domain Description: RecB Location: 2223051-2225970 bp Feature: domain Description: RecB Location: 2223051 -2225970 bp Feature: gene Location: 4673845-4673901 bp Feature: gene Location: 4673972-4675024 bp Ori: ASF48346.1 Feature: domain Description: vWA_subgroup Location: 4674245-4674746 bp Feature: domain Description: vWA_subgroup Location: 4674245-4674746 bp Feature: gene Location: 4675415-4676755 bp Ori: ASF48347.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4675676-4676366 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4675676-4676366 bp Feature: gene Location: 4677614-4677913 bp Ori: ASF48348.1 Feature: domain Description: couple_hipB Location: 4677674-4677842 bp Feature: domain Description: couple_hipB Location: 4677674-4677842 bp Feature: gene Location: 4677910-4679247 bp Ori: ASF48349.1 Feature: domain Description: HipA_So_like Location: 4677973-4679191 bp Feature: domain Description: HipA_So_like Location: 4677973-46791 91 bp Feature: gene Location: 4680041-4680220 bp Feature: gene Location: 4680611-4681757 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4680872-4681562 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4680872-4681 562 bp Feature: gene Location: 4682376-4683266 bp Ori: ASF48351.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10700 Location: 4682523-4683252 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0700 Location: 4682523-4683252 bp Feature: gene Location: 4683408-4684166 bp Ori: ASF48352.1 Feature: domain Description: TauE Location: 4683441-4684155 bp Feature: domain Description: TauE Location: 4683441 -46841 55 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT YgjP (COG1451), BrnA_antitoxin (pfam14384), RVT-Retrons, AAA_21 (pfam13304), CRISPR_Cas2 (pfam09827), Cas_Cas1 (pfam01867), RVT-CRISPR, PDDEXK_1 (pfam12705), RecB (COG4998), vWA_subgroup (cd01465)
RVT-GII, couple_hipB (TIGR03070), HipA_So_like (cd17809), PRK10700 (23S rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase RluB), TauE (pfam01925)