
myRT report for GCA_002215215.1_ASM221521v1

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Seq: CP018632.1 Granulosicoccus antarcticus IMCC3135, complete genome (7783862 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 212529-216097 bp 2 RT 2: 223504-239111 bp 3 RT 3: 1786435-1792303 bp 4 RT 4: 1794945-1800454 bp 5 RT 5: 3538867-3544808 bp 6 RT 6: 4625390-4630178 bp 7 RT 7: 5144090-5148754 bp 8 RT 8: 7079813-7086811 bp 9 RT 9: 7159006-7164493 bp 10 RT 10: 7482260-7487671 bp 11 RT 11: 7625875-7629164 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [212529, 216097] RVT-GII Neighborhood of RT #2 [223504, 239422] HdeA RVT-GII DUF5372 PinE Zn_ribbon_recom Recombinase RVT-GII Resolvase Recombinase Zn_ribbon_recom RVT-GII GIIM IS5 IS5 GIY-YIG_SF RVT-GII GIIM DUF2799 DUF2799 Neighborhood of RT #3 [1786435, 1792419] rve PRK08181 RVT-GII GIIM IstB_IS21 Neighborhood of RT #4 [1794945, 1800495] INT_RitC_C_like COG4584 RVT-GII GIIM DUF563 DUF563 Neighborhood of RT #5 [3538867, 3544819] PBP2_BztA BatB RVT-GII GIIM InsQ HisM Neighborhood of RT #6 [4625390, 4630178] COG4922 COG4922 InsQ RVT-GII GIIM COG4922 Neighborhood of RT #7 [5144090, 5148762] Resolvase Recombinase Zn_ribbon_recom RVT-GII DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 Neighborhood of RT #8 [7079813, 7086867] Chrome_Resist RHOD InsQ RVT-GII GIIM CaiB IclR Neighborhood of RT #9 [7159006, 7164504] InsQ RVT-GII GIIM URH1 PRK00711 Neighborhood of RT #10 [7482260, 7487671] InsQ Y1_Tnp RVT-GII GIIM PinE Zn_ribbon_recom Recombinase Neighborhood of RT #11 [7625875, 7629217] HigB VapI RVT-GII GIIM BrnT_toxin BrnA_antitoxin Feature: gene Location: 212529-212705 bp Feature: gene Location: 213121-213462 bp Feature: gene Location: 214600-215052 bp Ori: ASJ70319.1 Gene: ltrA_1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 214648-215035 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 21 4648-21 5035 bp Feature: gene Location: 215422-215901 bp Feature: gene Location: 215960-216097 bp Feature: gene Location: 223504-223845 bp Ori: ASJ70330.1 Feature: domain Description: HdeA Location: 223528-223801 bp Feature: domain Description: HdeA Location: 223528-223801 bp Feature: gene Location: 223849-224013 bp Feature: gene Location: 224718-225050 bp Ori: ASJ70332.1 Gene: ltrA_2 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 224988-225036 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 224988-225036 bp Feature: gene Location: 225100-225327 bp Ori: ASJ70333.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF5372 Location: 225103-225301 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF5372 Location: 2251 03-225301 bp Feature: gene Location: 225324-225851 bp Feature: gene Location: 225848-227911 bp Ori: ASJ70335.1 Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 225887-226520 bp Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 225887-226520 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 226844-227021 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 226844-227021 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 227576-227666 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 227576-227666 bp Feature: gene Location: 227927-228337 bp Ori: ASJ70336.1 Gene: ltrA_3 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 227945-228308 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 227945-228308 bp Feature: gene Location: 228203-229966 bp Ori: ASJ70337.1 Gene: tnpR_1 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 228227-228662 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 228227-228662 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 228755-229115 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 228755-2291 1 5 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 229157-229358 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 2291 57-229358 bp Feature: gene Location: 229963-230169 bp Feature: gene Location: 230250-230999 bp Ori: ASJ70339.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 230319-230562 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 23031 9-230562 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 230604-230802 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 230604-230802 bp Feature: gene Location: 231290-232636 bp Ori: ASJ70340.1 Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 231305-231821 bp Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 231 305-231 821 bp Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 232181-232631 bp Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 2321 81 -232631 bp Feature: gene Location: 232715-233299 bp Ori: ASJ70341.1 Feature: domain Description: GIY-YIG_SF Location: 232979-233135 bp Feature: domain Description: GIY-YIG_SF Location: 232979-2331 35 bp Feature: gene Location: 234084-234623 bp Feature: gene Location: 234698-234949 bp Feature: gene Location: 235435-236787 bp Ori: ASJ70345.1 Gene: ltrA_4 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 235732-236350 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 235732-236350 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 236392-236590 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 236392-236590 bp Feature: gene Location: 237063-237836 bp Feature: gene Location: 238601-239422 bp Ori: ASJ70347.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF2799 Location: 238742-238961 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF2799 Location: 238742-238961 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF2799 Location: 238970-239111 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF2799 Location: 238970-2391 1 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 1786435-1787907 bp Ori: ASJ71660.1 Feature: domain Description: rve Location: 1786801-1787161 bp Feature: domain Description: rve Location: 1 786801 -1 7871 61 bp Feature: gene Location: 1787900-1788673 bp Ori: ASJ71661.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK08181 Location: 1787912-1788638 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK081 81 Location: 1 78791 2-1 788638 bp Feature: gene Location: 1789432-1790694 bp Ori: ASJ71662.1 Gene: ltrA_5 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1789636-1790293 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 789636-1 790293 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1790374-1790593 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 790374-1 790593 bp Feature: gene Location: 1791122-1791631 bp Feature: gene Location: 1791628-1792419 bp Ori: ASJ71664.1 Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 1791778-1792303 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 1 791 778-1 792303 bp Feature: gene Location: 1794945-1795145 bp Ori: ASJ71667.1 Gene: xerC_6 Feature: domain Description: INT_RitC_C_like Location: 1794948-1795068 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_RitC_C_like Location: 1 794948-1 795068 bp Feature: gene Location: 1795102-1795965 bp Ori: ASJ71668.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1795195-1795747 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1 7951 95-1 795747 bp Feature: gene Location: 1796267-1797529 bp Ori: ASJ71669.1 Gene: ltrA_6 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1796471-1797128 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 796471 -1 7971 28 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1797206-1797419 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 797206-1 79741 9 bp Feature: gene Location: 1798452-1799249 bp Ori: ASJ71670.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF563 Location: 1798506-1799121 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF563 Location: 1 798506-1 7991 21 bp Feature: gene Location: 1799596-1800495 bp Ori: ASJ71671.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF563 Location: 1799998-1800454 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF563 Location: 1 799998-1 800454 bp Feature: gene Location: 3538867-3539319 bp Ori: ASJ73151.1 Gene: yhdW_2 Feature: domain Description: PBP2_BztA Location: 3538954-3539284 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP2_BztA Location: 3538954-3539284 bp Feature: gene Location: 3539285-3540415 bp Ori: ASJ73152.1 Gene: glnP_2 Feature: domain Description: BatB Location: 3539315-3540407 bp Feature: domain Description: BatB Location: 353931 5-3540407 bp Feature: gene Location: 3540893-3542263 bp Ori: ASJ73153.1 Gene: ltrA_7 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3541229-3541841 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3541 229-3541 841 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3541901-3542105 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3541 901 -35421 05 bp Feature: gene Location: 3542500-3543738 bp Ori: ASJ73154.1 Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 3542515-3543622 bp Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 354251 5-3543622 bp Feature: gene Location: 3543791-3544819 bp Ori: ASJ73155.1 Gene: yhdY_2 Feature: domain Description: HisM Location: 3544175-3544808 bp Feature: domain Description: HisM Location: 35441 75-3544808 bp Feature: gene Location: 4625390-4626265 bp Ori: ASJ74151.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4625567-4625816 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4625567-462581 6 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4625891-4626227 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4625891 -4626227 bp Feature: gene Location: 4626288-4627571 bp Ori: ASJ74152.1 Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 4626348-4627455 bp Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 4626348-4627455 bp Feature: gene Location: 4627758-4629128 bp Ori: ASJ74153.1 Gene: ltrA_8 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4628094-4628706 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4628094-4628706 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 4628766-4628994 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 4628766-4628994 bp Feature: gene Location: 4629684-4630016 bp Ori: ASJ74154.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4629867-4629996 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4922 Location: 4629867-4629996 bp Feature: gene Location: 4629918-4630178 bp Feature: gene Location: 5144090-5145754 bp Ori: ASJ74594.1 Gene: tnpR_2 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 5144114-5144549 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 51 441 1 4-51 44549 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 5144642-5145002 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 51 44642-51 45002 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 5145044-5145245 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 51 45044-51 45245 bp Feature: gene Location: 5145751-5145957 bp Feature: gene Location: 5145998-5146783 bp Ori: ASJ74596.1 Gene: ltrA_9 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 5146274-5146670 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 51 46274-51 46670 bp Feature: gene Location: 5146807-5147199 bp Feature: gene Location: 5147530-5148762 bp Ori: ASJ74598.1 Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 Location: 5147836-5148754 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_ISAZ01 3 Location: 51 47836-51 48754 bp Feature: gene Location: 7079813-7080859 bp Ori: ASJ76274.1 Feature: domain Description: Chrome_Resist Location: 7079990-7080305 bp Feature: domain Description: Chrome_Resist Location: 7079990-7080305 bp Feature: domain Description: RHOD Location: 7080503-7080758 bp Feature: domain Description: RHOD Location: 7080503-7080758 bp Feature: gene Location: 7081370-7082653 bp Ori: ASJ76275.1 Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 7081385-7082507 bp Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 7081 385-7082507 bp Feature: gene Location: 7082885-7084255 bp Ori: ASJ76276.1 Gene: ltrA_10 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7083221-7083833 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7083221 -7083833 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7083893-7084121 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7083893-70841 21 bp Feature: gene Location: 7084847-7086022 bp Ori: ASJ76277.1 Gene: uctC_2 Feature: domain Description: CaiB Location: 7084874-7086017 bp Feature: domain Description: CaiB Location: 7084874-708601 7 bp Feature: gene Location: 7086031-7086867 bp Ori: ASJ76278.1 Gene: kdgR_9 Feature: domain Description: IclR Location: 7086100-7086811 bp Feature: domain Description: IclR Location: 70861 00-708681 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 7159006-7159845 bp Ori: ASJ76343.1 Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 7159021-7159498 bp Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 71 59021 -71 59498 bp Feature: gene Location: 7159878-7160117 bp Feature: gene Location: 7160077-7161447 bp Ori: ASJ76345.1 Gene: ltrA_11 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7160413-7161025 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 71 6041 3-71 61 025 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7161085-7161298 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 71 61 085-71 61 298 bp Feature: gene Location: 7162040-7163131 bp Ori: ASJ76346.1 Gene: rihB_2 Feature: domain Description: URH1 Location: 7162115-7163102 bp Feature: domain Description: URH1 Location: 71 621 1 5-71 631 02 bp Feature: gene Location: 7163248-7164504 bp Ori: ASJ76347.1 Gene: dadA_3 Feature: domain Description: PRK00711 Location: 7163251-7164493 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK0071 1 Location: 71 63251 -71 64493 bp Feature: gene Location: 7482260-7483498 bp Ori: ASJ76618.1 Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 7482275-7483382 bp Feature: domain Description: InsQ Location: 7482275-7483382 bp Feature: gene Location: 7483569-7483937 bp Ori: ASJ76619.1 Feature: domain Description: Y1_Tnp Location: 7483572-7483923 bp Feature: domain Description: Y1 _Tnp Location: 7483572-7483923 bp Feature: gene Location: 7484049-7485068 bp Ori: ASJ76620.1 Gene: ltrA_12 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7484067-7484646 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7484067-7484646 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7484706-7484934 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7484706-7484934 bp Feature: gene Location: 7485084-7487147 bp Ori: ASJ76621.1 Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 7485123-7485756 bp Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 74851 23-7485756 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 7486080-7486257 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 7486080-7486257 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 7486812-7486902 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 748681 2-7486902 bp Feature: gene Location: 7487144-7487671 bp Feature: gene Location: 7625875-7626153 bp Ori: ASJ76749.1 Gene: higB-1 Feature: domain Description: HigB Location: 7625878-7626151 bp Feature: domain Description: HigB Location: 7625878-76261 51 bp Feature: gene Location: 7626179-7626484 bp Ori: ASJ76750.1 Gene: yddM_2 Feature: domain Description: VapI Location: 7626197-7626470 bp Feature: domain Description: VapI Location: 76261 97-7626470 bp Feature: gene Location: 7626605-7627957 bp Ori: ASJ76751.1 Gene: ltrA_13 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7626902-7627520 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7626902-7627520 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7627562-7627760 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7627562-7627760 bp Feature: gene Location: 7628682-7628990 bp Ori: ASJ76752.1 Feature: domain Description: BrnT_toxin Location: 7628721-7628961 bp Feature: domain Description: BrnT_toxin Location: 7628721 -7628961 bp Feature: gene Location: 7628987-7629217 bp Ori: ASJ76753.1 Feature: domain Description: BrnA_antitoxin Location: 7629026-7629164 bp Feature: domain Description: BrnA_antitoxin Location: 7629026-76291 64 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-GII, HdeA (pfam06411), DUF5372 (pfam17342), PinE (COG1961), Zn_ribbon_recom (pfam13408), Recombinase (pfam07508), Resolvase (smart00857), GIIM (pfam08388), IS5 (COG3039), GIY-YIG_SF (cl15257)
DUF2799 (pfam10973), rve (pfam00665), PRK08181 (transposase; Validated), IstB_IS21 (pfam01695), INT_RitC_C_like (cd01182), COG4584 (Transposase ), DUF563 (pfam04577), PBP2_BztA (cd13692), BatB (COG4597), InsQ (COG0675)
HisM (COG0765), COG4922 (Predicted SnoaL-like aldol condensation-catalyzing enzyme ), DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 (pfam07592), Chrome_Resist (pfam09828), RHOD (smart00450), CaiB (COG1804), IclR (pfam01614), URH1 (COG1957), PRK00711 (D-amino acid dehydrogenase), Y1_Tnp (pfam01797)
HigB (COG4680), VapI (COG3093), BrnT_toxin (pfam04365), BrnA_antitoxin (pfam14384)