
myRT report for GCA_002218045.2_ASM221804v2

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Seq: AP018685.1 Vibrio rumoiensis FERM P-14531 DNA, chromosome 1, complete geome (2768302 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1096698-1100705 bp 2 RT 2: 1907238-1911180 bp 3 RT 3: 2418497-2430679 bp 4 RT 4: 2440296-2444155 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1096698, 1100719] RVT-GII GIIM LacI PBP1_LacI_like_9 ugpC Neighborhood of RT #2 [1907238, 1911197] DD-carboxypeptidase_like RVT-GII GIIM RVT-GII PRK11679 Neighborhood of RT #3 [2418497, 2430747] SapB PRK10938 RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM PRK10712 SgrR RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM MPP_MS158 Neighborhood of RT #4 [2440296, 2444155] EnvC EnvC GIIM RVT-GII RVT_N RVT-GII Feature: gene Location: 1096698-1096826 bp Feature: gene Location: 1096834-1097010 bp Feature: gene Location: 1097041-1098354 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1097260-1097872 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 097260-1 097872 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1097923-1098127 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 097923-1 0981 27 bp Feature: gene Location: 1098534-1099553 bp Feature: domain Description: LacI Location: 1098564-1098699 bp Feature: domain Description: LacI Location: 1 098564-1 098699 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP1_LacI_like_9 Location: 1098738-1099530 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP1 _LacI_like_9 Location: 1 098738-1 099530 bp Feature: gene Location: 1099622-1100719 bp Feature: domain Description: ugpC Location: 1099625-1100705 bp Feature: domain Description: ugpC Location: 1 099625-1 1 00705 bp Feature: gene Location: 1907238-1907924 bp Feature: domain Description: DD-carboxypeptidase_like Location: 1907325-1907802 bp Feature: domain Description: DD-carboxypeptidase_like Location: 1 907325-1 907802 bp Feature: gene Location: 1907949-1908185 bp Feature: gene Location: 1908261-1909259 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1908306-1908777 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 908306-1 908777 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1908828-1909032 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 908828-1 909032 bp Feature: gene Location: 1909150-1909572 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1909369-1909522 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 909369-1 909522 bp Feature: gene Location: 1909603-1909779 bp Feature: gene Location: 1910169-1911197 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK11679 Location: 1910172-1911180 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 1 679 Location: 1 91 01 72-1 91 1 1 80 bp Feature: gene Location: 2418497-2419063 bp Feature: domain Description: SapB Location: 2418584-2419037 bp Feature: domain Description: SapB Location: 241 8584-241 9037 bp Feature: gene Location: 2419178-2420725 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10938 Location: 2419295-2420690 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0938 Location: 241 9295-2420690 bp Feature: gene Location: 2420908-2422422 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2420998-2421241 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2420998-2421 241 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2421286-2421913 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2421 286-2421 91 3 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2421970-2422198 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2421 970-24221 98 bp Feature: gene Location: 2422559-2422732 bp Feature: gene Location: 2423259-2424644 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10712 Location: 2423268-2424621 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 071 2 Location: 2423268-2424621 bp Feature: gene Location: 2425640-2427448 bp Feature: domain Description: SgrR Location: 2425673-2427437 bp Feature: domain Description: SgrR Location: 2425673-2427437 bp Feature: gene Location: 2427516-2427662 bp Feature: gene Location: 2427681-2429312 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2427888-2428131 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2427888-24281 31 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2428176-2428803 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 24281 76-2428803 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2428863-2429088 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2428863-2429088 bp Feature: gene Location: 2429377-2429529 bp Feature: gene Location: 2429947-2430747 bp Feature: domain Description: MPP_MS158 Location: 2429962-2430679 bp Feature: domain Description: MPP_MS1 58 Location: 2429962-2430679 bp Feature: gene Location: 2440296-2441507 bp Feature: domain Description: EnvC Location: 2440407-2441097 bp Feature: domain Description: EnvC Location: 2440407-2441 097 bp Feature: domain Description: EnvC Location: 2441097-2441505 bp Feature: domain Description: EnvC Location: 2441 097-2441 505 bp Feature: gene Location: 2441927-2442415 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2441963-2442191 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2441 963-24421 91 bp Feature: gene Location: 2442462-2442776 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2442465-2442762 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2442465-2442762 bp Feature: gene Location: 2442838-2443350 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2442904-2443084 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2442904-2443084 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2443129-2443339 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 24431 29-2443339 bp Feature: gene Location: 2443573-2443746 bp Feature: gene Location: 2443943-2444155 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), LacI (pfam00356), PBP1_LacI_like_9, ugpC (PRK11650), DD-carboxypeptidase_like (cd14847), PRK11679 (outer membrane protein assembly factor BamC), SapB (smart00741), PRK10938 (putative molybdenum transport ATP-binding protein ModF; Provisional), RVT_N (pfam13655)
PRK10712 (PTS system fructose-specific transporter subunits IIBC; Provisional), SgrR (COG4533), MPP_MS158 (cd07404), EnvC (COG4942)

Seq: AP018688.1 Vibrio rumoiensis FERM P-14531 plasmid 2 DNA, complete genome (109617 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 23834-26714 bp 2 RT 2: 40530-47522 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [23834, 26725] RelE RVT-GII GIIM SR_Res_par HTH_Hin_like Neighborhood of RT #2 [40530, 47522] COG3547 RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM COG4644 DDE_Tnp_Tn3 Feature: gene Location: 23834-24115 bp Feature: domain Description: RelE Location: 23840-24080 bp Feature: domain Description: RelE Location: 2 3840-2 4080 bp Feature: gene Location: 24133-24483 bp Feature: gene Location: 24586-25674 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 24658-25300 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2 4658-2 5300 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 25372-25579 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2 5372 -2 5579 bp Feature: gene Location: 25847-25978 bp Feature: gene Location: 26117-26725 bp Feature: domain Description: SR_Res_par Location: 26129-26564 bp Feature: domain Description: SR_Res_par Location: 2 612 9-2 6564 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_Hin_like Location: 26621-26714 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_Hin_like Location: 2 662 1-2 6714 bp Feature: gene Location: 40530-40763 bp Feature: gene Location: 41308-42348 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3547 Location: 41329-42298 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3547 Location: 4132 9-42 2 98 bp Feature: gene Location: 42660-44132 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 42708-42948 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 42 708-42 948 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 42996-43623 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 42 996-4362 3 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 43680-43908 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 43680-43908 bp Feature: gene Location: 44404-47322 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4644 Location: 44446-44767 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4644 Location: 44446-44767 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_Tn3 Location: 46141-47299 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_Tn3 Location: 46141-472 99 bp Feature: gene Location: 47349-47522 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RelE (pfam06296), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), SR_Res_par (cd03767), HTH_Hin_like (cd00569), COG3547 (Transposase ), RVT_N (pfam13655), COG4644 (Transposase and inactivated derivatives, TnpA family ), DDE_Tnp_Tn3 (pfam01526)