
myRT report for GCA_003014775.1_ASM301477v1

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Seq: CP027804.1 Aeromonas hydrophila strain KN-Mc-1R2 chromosome, complete genome (4911246 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 581741-588512 bp 2 RT 2: 2017747-2024778 bp 3 RT 3: 3045919-3055612 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [581741, 588532] parC_Gneg SLR COG3950 RVT-Retrons YdiL Neighborhood of RT #2 [2017747, 2024778] SH3_and_anchor DUF4041 T5orf172 RVT-UG2 PRK11660 Neighborhood of RT #3 [3045919, 3055614] PBP2_HisK GAF_3 GGDEF RVT-UG3 RVT-UG8 cysS PRK10791 Feature: gene Location: 581741-584035 bp Ori: AVP83087.1 Gene: parC Feature: domain Description: parC_Gneg Location: 581777-583979 bp Feature: domain Description: parC_Gneg Location: 581 777-583979 bp Feature: gene Location: 584892-586595 bp Ori: AVP83088.1 Feature: domain Description: SLR Location: 584928-585063 bp Feature: domain Description: SLR Location: 584928-585063 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3950 Location: 585102-586566 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3950 Location: 5851 02-586566 bp Feature: gene Location: 586567-587514 bp Ori: AVP83089.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 586669-587266 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 586669-587266 bp Feature: gene Location: 588036-588248 bp Feature: gene Location: 588344-588532 bp Ori: AVP83091.1 Feature: domain Description: YdiL Location: 588365-588512 bp Feature: domain Description: YdiL Location: 588365-58851 2 bp Feature: gene Location: 2017747-2018094 bp Feature: gene Location: 2018099-2019595 bp Ori: AVP84334.1 Feature: domain Description: SH3_and_anchor Location: 2018180-2018444 bp Feature: domain Description: SH3_and_anchor Location: 201 81 80-201 8444 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF4041 Location: 2018714-2018879 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF4041 Location: 201 871 4-201 8879 bp Feature: domain Description: T5orf172 Location: 2019227-2019464 bp Feature: domain Description: T5orf1 72 Location: 201 9227-201 9464 bp Feature: gene Location: 2019785-2021059 bp Ori: AVP86809.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 2019980-2020766 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 201 9980-2020766 bp Feature: gene Location: 2022749-2024590 bp Ori: AVP84335.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK11660 Location: 2022866-2024561 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 1 660 Location: 2022866-2024561 bp Feature: gene Location: 2024590-2024778 bp Feature: gene Location: 3045919-3046665 bp Ori: AVP85138.1 Feature: domain Description: PBP2_HisK Location: 3046009-3046654 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP2_HisK Location: 3046009-3046654 bp Feature: gene Location: 3046728-3047741 bp Ori: AVP85139.1 Feature: domain Description: GAF_3 Location: 3046800-3047193 bp Feature: domain Description: GAF_3 Location: 3046800-30471 93 bp Feature: domain Description: GGDEF Location: 3047196-3047730 bp Feature: domain Description: GGDEF Location: 30471 96-3047730 bp Feature: gene Location: 3049304-3050644 bp Ori: AVP85140.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG3 Note: UG3 RT Location: 3049751-3050231 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG3 Note: UG3 RT Location: 3049751 -3050231 bp Feature: gene Location: 3050644-3052716 bp Ori: AVP85141.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG8 Note: UG8 RT Location: 3051235-3051697 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG8 Note: UG8 RT Location: 3051 235-3051 697 bp Feature: gene Location: 3053550-3054926 bp Ori: AVP85142.1 Feature: domain Description: cysS Location: 3053553-3054921 bp Feature: domain Description: cysS Location: 3053553-3054921 bp Feature: gene Location: 3055117-3055614 bp Ori: AVP85143.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10791 Location: 3055120-3055612 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0791 Location: 30551 20-305561 2 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT parC_Gneg (TIGR01062), SLR (sd00010), COG3950 (Predicted ATP-binding protein involved in virulence ), RVT-Retrons, YdiL (COG1266), SH3_and_anchor (TIGR04211), DUF4041 (pfam13250), T5orf172 (smart00974), RVT-UG2, PRK11660 (putative transporter; Provisional)
PBP2_HisK (cd13704), GAF_3 (pfam13492), GGDEF (TIGR00254), RVT-UG3, RVT-UG8, cysS (TIGR00435), PRK10791 (peptidylprolyl isomerase B)