
myRT report for GCA_004114615.1_ASM411461v1

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Seq: CP035300.1 Dyella sp. M7H15-1 chromosome, complete genome (3523985 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 44174-48081 bp 2 RT 2: 142882-148677 bp 3 RT 3: 385461-402156 bp 4 RT 4: 436546-445002 bp 5 RT 5: 563196-570706 bp 6 RT 6: 1029795-1038775 bp 7 RT 7: 1111239-1115004 bp 8 RT 8: 1593713-1597811 bp 9 RT 9: 3194830-3202534 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [44174, 48083] Toxin_15 RVT-GII Y1_Tnp SbmC Neighborhood of RT #2 [142882, 148712] DUF4096 RVT-GII Resolvase Recombinase Zn_ribbon_recom RVT-GII AcrR PRK06834 PRK06834 Neighborhood of RT #3 [385461, 402188] ESPR YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_head YadA_stalk YadA_stalk RVT-GII PGA_TPR_OMP deacetyl_PgaB Neighborhood of RT #4 [436546, 445016] upstrm_HI1419 lyz_endolysin_autolysin RVT-GII Recombinase Zn_ribbon_recom IstB_IS21_ATP IstB_IS21 COG4584 COG4584 Resolvase Recombinase RVT-GII 2CSK_N PRK10337 OmpR Neighborhood of RT #5 [563196, 570777] ESPR LbR_YadA-like YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk YadA_stalk LbR_YadA-like YadA_stalk YadA_anchor Resolvase Recombinase Zn_ribbon_recom RVT-GII GIIM lipid_A_lpxH PRK10903 Neighborhood of RT #6 [1029795, 1038783] tdh DUF748 DUF748 DUF748 DUF748 OmpA_C-like OmpA_C-like RVT-GII PRK05442 PRK05764 Neighborhood of RT #7 [1111239, 1115591] COG4228 COG4228 V RVT-GII GIIM Resolvase Zn_ribbon_recom Neighborhood of RT #8 [1593713, 1597876] AHP1 RVT-GII COG4584 COG4584 IstB_IS21_ATP IstB_IS21 Neighborhood of RT #9 [3194830, 3202608] PRK09136 CspC RVT-GII Zn_ribbon_recom Resolvase RVT-GII GIIM MsbA_rel YdcF Feature: gene Location: 44174-45652 bp Ori: QAU22615.1 Feature: domain Description: Toxin_15 Location: 44582-45410 bp Feature: domain Description: Toxin_1 5 Location: 44582-4541 0 bp Feature: gene Location: 45890-46186 bp Feature: gene Location: 46243-46416 bp Ori: QAU22617.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 46246-46378 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 46246-46378 bp Feature: gene Location: 46537-46968 bp Ori: QAU22618.1 Gene: tnpA Feature: domain Description: Y1_Tnp Location: 46573-46924 bp Feature: domain Description: Y1 _Tnp Location: 46573-46924 bp Feature: gene Location: 47598-48083 bp Ori: QAU22619.1 Feature: domain Description: SbmC Location: 47628-48081 bp Feature: domain Description: SbmC Location: 47628-48081 bp Feature: gene Location: 142882-143266 bp Ori: QAU22702.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF4096 Location: 142924-143140 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF4096 Location: 1 42924-1 431 40 bp Feature: gene Location: 143266-143657 bp Feature: gene Location: 143662-144168 bp Ori: QAU22703.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 143671-143983 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 43671 -1 43983 bp Feature: gene Location: 143857-145608 bp Ori: QAU22704.1 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 143878-144316 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 1 43878-1 4431 6 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 144412-144772 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 1 4441 2-1 44772 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 144817-145021 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 1 4481 7-1 45021 bp Feature: gene Location: 145928-146166 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 145931-146150 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 45931 -1 461 50 bp Feature: gene Location: 146425-147054 bp Ori: QAU25332.1 Feature: domain Description: AcrR Location: 146455-146947 bp Feature: domain Description: AcrR Location: 1 46455-1 46947 bp Feature: gene Location: 147120-148712 bp Ori: QAU22705.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK06834 Location: 147132-147342 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK06834 Location: 1 471 32-1 47342 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK06834 Location: 147477-148677 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK06834 Location: 1 47477-1 48677 bp Feature: gene Location: 385461-396830 bp Ori: QAU22919.1 Feature: domain Description: ESPR Location: 385464-385530 bp Feature: domain Description: ESPR Location: 385464-385530 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 385818-385890 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 38581 8-385890 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 385896-385974 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 385896-385974 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 385980-386031 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 385980-386031 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386031-386094 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386031 -386094 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386103-386181 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 3861 03-3861 81 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386271-386343 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386271 -386343 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386352-386430 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 386352-386430 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 386667-386796 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 386667-386796 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 387168-387294 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 3871 68-387294 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 387702-387828 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 387702-387828 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 388236-388362 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 388236-388362 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 388755-388881 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 388755-388881 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 389274-389400 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 389274-389400 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 389808-389934 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 389808-389934 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 390327-390456 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 390327-390456 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 390825-390951 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 390825-390951 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 391344-391470 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 391 344-391 470 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 391863-391989 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 391 863-391 989 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 392382-392508 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 392382-392508 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 392901-393027 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 392901 -393027 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 393420-393549 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 393420-393549 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 393870-393909 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 393870-393909 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 393921-393999 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 393921 -393999 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 394047-394116 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 394047-3941 1 6 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 394131-394209 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 3941 31 -394209 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 394215-394293 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 39421 5-394293 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 394446-394575 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 394446-394575 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 394947-395073 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 394947-395073 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 395424-395553 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 395424-395553 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395601-395664 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395601 -395664 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395712-395778 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 39571 2-395778 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395868-395943 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395868-395943 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395952-396024 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 395952-396024 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 396078-396156 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 396078-3961 56 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 396162-396240 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_head Location: 3961 62-396240 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 396294-396414 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 396294-39641 4 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 396450-396558 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 396450-396558 bp Feature: gene Location: 397003-397194 bp Feature: gene Location: 397365-397892 bp Ori: QAU22921.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 397482-397776 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 397482-397776 bp Feature: gene Location: 398267-400312 bp Ori: QAU22922.1 Gene: pgaA Feature: domain Description: PGA_TPR_OMP Location: 398354-400301 bp Feature: domain Description: PGA_TPR_OMP Location: 398354-400301 bp Feature: gene Location: 400299-402188 bp Ori: QAU22923.1 Gene: pgaB Feature: domain Description: deacetyl_PgaB Location: 400401-402156 bp Feature: domain Description: deacetyl_PgaB Location: 400401 -4021 56 bp Feature: gene Location: 436546-436839 bp Ori: QAU22955.1 Feature: domain Description: upstrm_HI1419 Location: 436555-436828 bp Feature: domain Description: upstrm_HI1 41 9 Location: 436555-436828 bp Feature: gene Location: 436921-437367 bp Ori: QAU22956.1 Feature: domain Description: lyz_endolysin_autolysin Location: 436945-437341 bp Feature: domain Description: lyz_endolysin_autolysin Location: 436945-437341 bp Feature: gene Location: 437421-437645 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 437427-437646 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 437427-437646 bp Feature: gene Location: 437640-438641 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 437643-437880 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 437643-437880 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 437925-438129 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 437925-4381 29 bp Feature: gene Location: 438726-439484 bp Ori: QAU22957.1 Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21_ATP Location: 438798-438882 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 _ATP Location: 438798-438882 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 438888-439419 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 438888-43941 9 bp Feature: gene Location: 439498-441066 bp Ori: QAU22958.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 439597-440416 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 439597-44041 6 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 440455-440959 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 440455-440959 bp Feature: gene Location: 441224-441940 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 441230-441668 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 441 230-441 668 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 441764-441905 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 441 764-441 905 bp Feature: gene Location: 442299-442942 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 442305-442500 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 442305-442500 bp Feature: gene Location: 442939-444345 bp Ori: QAU22959.1 Feature: domain Description: 2CSK_N Location: 443008-443431 bp Feature: domain Description: 2CSK_N Location: 443008-443431 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10337 Location: 443461-444307 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0337 Location: 443461 -444307 bp Feature: gene Location: 444342-445016 bp Ori: QAU22960.1 Feature: domain Description: OmpR Location: 444345-445002 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpR Location: 444345-445002 bp Feature: gene Location: 563196-566075 bp Ori: QAU23063.1 Feature: domain Description: ESPR Location: 563199-563268 bp Feature: domain Description: ESPR Location: 5631 99-563268 bp Feature: domain Description: LbR_YadA-like Location: 563622-563982 bp Feature: domain Description: LbR_YadA-like Location: 563622-563982 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564300-564417 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564300-56441 7 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564669-564798 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564669-564798 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564999-565059 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 564999-565059 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 565170-565281 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 5651 70-565281 bp Feature: domain Description: LbR_YadA-like Location: 565386-565722 bp Feature: domain Description: LbR_YadA-like Location: 565386-565722 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 565725-565809 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_stalk Location: 565725-565809 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_anchor Location: 565911-566064 bp Feature: domain Description: YadA_anchor Location: 56591 1 -566064 bp Feature: gene Location: 566167-568119 bp Ori: QAU23064.1 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 566188-566626 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 5661 88-566626 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 566722-567082 bp Feature: domain Description: Recombinase Location: 566722-567082 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 567127-567331 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 5671 27-567331 bp Feature: gene Location: 568496-569071 bp Ori: QAU23065.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 568499-568664 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 568499-568664 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 568751-568970 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 568751 -568970 bp Feature: gene Location: 569384-570106 bp Ori: QAU23066.1 Feature: domain Description: lipid_A_lpxH Location: 569393-570077 bp Feature: domain Description: lipid_A_lpxH Location: 569393-570077 bp Feature: gene Location: 570103-570777 bp Ori: QAU25360.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10903 Location: 570154-570706 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0903 Location: 5701 54-570706 bp Feature: gene Location: 1029795-1030817 bp Ori: QAU25391.1 Feature: domain Description: tdh Location: 1029798-1030812 bp Feature: domain Description: tdh Location: 1 029798-1 03081 2 bp Feature: gene Location: 1031066-1034707 bp Ori: QAU23410.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1031558-1031987 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1 031 558-1 031 987 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1032188-1032620 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1 0321 88-1 032620 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1032788-1033241 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1 032788-1 033241 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1033526-1033952 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF748 Location: 1 033526-1 033952 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpA_C-like Location: 1034171-1034294 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpA_C-like Location: 1 0341 71 -1 034294 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpA_C-like Location: 1034555-1034657 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpA_C-like Location: 1 034555-1 034657 bp Feature: gene Location: 1034987-1036142 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1035317-1035551 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 03531 7-1 035551 bp Feature: gene Location: 1036533-1037519 bp Ori: QAU23411.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK05442 Location: 1036536-1037505 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK05442 Location: 1 036536-1 037505 bp Feature: gene Location: 1037584-1038783 bp Ori: QAU23412.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK05764 Location: 1037590-1038775 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK05764 Location: 1 037590-1 038775 bp Feature: gene Location: 1111239-1112351 bp Ori: QAU23480.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4228 Location: 1111284-1111791 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4228 Location: 1 1 1 1 284-1 1 1 1 791 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4228 Location: 1111998-1112331 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4228 Location: 1 1 1 1 998-1 1 1 2331 bp Feature: gene Location: 1112309-1112752 bp Ori: QAU23481.1 Feature: domain Description: V Location: 1112339-1112570 bp Feature: domain Description: V Location: 1 1 1 2339-1 1 1 2570 bp Feature: gene Location: 1113024-1113710 bp Ori: QAU23482.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1113027-1113261 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 1 1 3027-1 1 1 3261 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1113315-1113531 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 1 1 331 5-1 1 1 3531 bp Feature: gene Location: 1114039-1114812 bp Ori: QAU23483.1 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 1114060-1114498 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 1 1 1 4060-1 1 1 4498 bp Feature: gene Location: 1114695-1115591 bp Ori: QAU23484.1 Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 1114800-1115004 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 1 1 1 4800-1 1 1 5004 bp Feature: gene Location: 1593713-1594225 bp Ori: QAU23850.1 Feature: domain Description: AHP1 Location: 1593719-1594187 bp Feature: domain Description: AHP1 Location: 1 59371 9-1 5941 87 bp Feature: gene Location: 1594382-1594669 bp Feature: gene Location: 1594675-1595256 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1594849-1595056 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 594849-1 595056 bp Feature: gene Location: 1595536-1597104 bp Ori: QAU23852.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1595635-1596451 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1 595635-1 596451 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1596493-1597000 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 1 596493-1 597000 bp Feature: gene Location: 1597118-1597876 bp Ori: QAU23853.1 Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21_ATP Location: 1597190-1597274 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 _ATP Location: 1 5971 90-1 597274 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 1597280-1597811 bp Feature: domain Description: IstB_IS21 Location: 1 597280-1 59781 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 3194830-3195579 bp Ori: QAU25075.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK09136 Location: 3194851-3195574 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK091 36 Location: 31 94851 -31 95574 bp Feature: gene Location: 3195743-3195949 bp Ori: QAU25076.1 Feature: domain Description: CspC Location: 3195752-3195938 bp Feature: domain Description: CspC Location: 31 95752-31 95938 bp Feature: gene Location: 3196406-3197356 bp Ori: QAU25554.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3196736-3197162 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 31 96736-31 971 62 bp Feature: gene Location: 3197633-3197941 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 3197738-3197942 bp Feature: domain Description: Zn_ribbon_recom Location: 31 97738-31 97942 bp Feature: gene Location: 3197824-3198597 bp Ori: QAU25077.1 Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 3197845-3198283 bp Feature: domain Description: Resolvase Location: 31 97845-31 98283 bp Feature: gene Location: 3198926-3199612 bp Ori: QAU25078.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3198929-3199163 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 31 98929-31 991 63 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3199217-3199433 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 31 9921 7-31 99433 bp Feature: gene Location: 3199773-3201545 bp Ori: QAU25079.1 Feature: domain Description: MsbA_rel Location: 3199815-3201537 bp Feature: domain Description: MsbA_rel Location: 31 9981 5-3201 537 bp Feature: gene Location: 3201841-3202608 bp Ori: QAU25080.1 Feature: domain Description: YdcF Location: 3201868-3202534 bp Feature: domain Description: YdcF Location: 3201 868-3202534 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Toxin_15 (pfam07906), RVT-GII, Y1_Tnp (pfam01797), SbmC (COG3449), DUF4096 (pfam13340), Resolvase (smart00857), Recombinase (pfam07508), Zn_ribbon_recom (pfam13408), AcrR (COG1309), PRK06834 (hypothetical protein; Provisional)
ESPR (pfam13018), YadA_head (pfam05658), YadA_stalk (pfam05662), PGA_TPR_OMP (TIGR03939), deacetyl_PgaB (TIGR03938), upstrm_HI1419 (TIGR02683), lyz_endolysin_autolysin (cd00737), IstB_IS21_ATP (pfam08483), IstB_IS21 (pfam01695), COG4584 (Transposase )
2CSK_N (pfam08521), PRK10337 (sensor protein QseC; Provisional), OmpR (COG0745), LbR_YadA-like (cd12820), YadA_anchor (pfam03895), GIIM (pfam08388), lipid_A_lpxH (TIGR01854), PRK10903 (peptidylprolyl isomerase A), tdh (TIGR00692), DUF748 (pfam05359)
OmpA_C-like (cl30079), PRK05442 (malate dehydrogenase; Provisional), PRK05764 (aspartate aminotransferase; Provisional), COG4228 (Mu-like prophage DNA circulation protein ), V (PHA02564), AHP1 (COG0678), PRK09136 (S-methyl-5'-thioinosine phosphorylase), CspC (COG1278), MsbA_rel (TIGR02204), YdcF (COG1434)