
myRT report for GCA_004135105.1_ASM413510v1

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Seq: CP035458.1 Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae strain KC-Na-NB1 chromosome 2, complete sequence (1098614 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 699298-707463 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [699298, 707468] gcvT PRK11534 RVT-GII PRK09183 COG4584 RVT-GII PRK10423 PRK11142 Feature: gene Location: 699298-700416 bp Ori: QAY37092.1 Gene: gcvT Feature: domain Description: gcvT Location: 699307-700411 bp Feature: domain Description: gcvT Location: 699307-70041 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 700790-701488 bp Ori: QAY37093.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK11534 Location: 700841-701456 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 1 534 Location: 700841 -701 456 bp Feature: gene Location: 702071-702628 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 702287-702626 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 702287-702626 bp Feature: gene Location: 702693-703451 bp Ori: QAY37094.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK09183 Location: 702702-703443 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK091 83 Location: 702702-703443 bp Feature: gene Location: 703438-704481 bp Ori: QAY37095.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 703441-704308 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 703441 -704308 bp Feature: gene Location: 704569-705025 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 704575-704839 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 704575-704839 bp Feature: gene Location: 705357-706361 bp Ori: QAY37096.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10423 Location: 705369-706344 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0423 Location: 705369-706344 bp Feature: gene Location: 706548-707468 bp Ori: QAY37097.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK11142 Location: 706551-707463 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 1 1 42 Location: 706551 -707463 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT gcvT (TIGR00528), PRK11534 (DNA-binding transcriptional regulator CsiR; Provisional), RVT-GII, PRK09183 (transposase/IS protein; Provisional), COG4584 (Transposase ), PRK10423 (transcriptional repressor RbsR; Provisional), PRK11142 (ribokinase; Provisional)

Seq: CP035457.1 Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae strain KC-Na-NB1 chromosome 1, complete sequence (3125062 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 232394-239707 bp 2 RT 2: 533191-537970 bp 3 RT 3: 685030-691443 bp 4 RT 4: 1021152-1025439 bp 5 RT 5: 1415016-1420937 bp 6 RT 6: 1754293-1761999 bp 7 RT 7: 2235001-2241941 bp 8 RT 8: 2442997-2448914 bp 9 RT 9: 3117083-3124659 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [232394, 239709] PRK15074 HemH RVT-GII GIIM adk HtpG Neighborhood of RT #2 [533191, 538197] PRK10512 DeoR RVT-GII GIIM Neighborhood of RT #3 [685030, 691526] TrmN6 PRK11192 RVT-GII GIIM PRK02101 AlsT Neighborhood of RT #4 [1021152, 1025439] nicotinamidase Nterm_IS4 DDE_Tnp_1 RVT-GII GIIM Neighborhood of RT #5 [1415016, 1420948] hslU HslV RVT-GII GIIM FtsN PRK11041 Neighborhood of RT #6 [1754293, 1762037] PqqL PqqL PRK02107 RVT-GII GIIM COG4764 LuxS Neighborhood of RT #7 [2235001, 2241970] PRK01305 aat RVT-GII GIIM PRK11160 PRK11174 Neighborhood of RT #8 [2442997, 2448925] YciM PRK00230 RVT-GII GIIM SapF SapD Neighborhood of RT #9 [3117083, 3124659] DUF3080 DUF5062 RVT-GII GIIM PRK09183 COG4584 RVT-GII ApbE Feature: gene Location: 232394-233698 bp Ori: QAY34150.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK15074 Location: 232397-233696 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK15074 Location: 2 32 397-2 33696 bp Feature: gene Location: 233871-234848 bp Ori: QAY34151.1 Feature: domain Description: HemH Location: 233889-234837 bp Feature: domain Description: HemH Location: 2 33889-2 34837 bp Feature: gene Location: 235100-236410 bp Ori: QAY36450.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 235316-235931 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2 35316-2 35931 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 235982-236183 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2 35982 -2 36183 bp Feature: gene Location: 237028-237672 bp Ori: QAY34152.1 Feature: domain Description: adk Location: 237031-237667 bp Feature: domain Description: adk Location: 2 37031-2 37667 bp Feature: gene Location: 237808-239709 bp Ori: QAY34153.1 Gene: htpG Feature: domain Description: HtpG Location: 237832-239707 bp Feature: domain Description: HtpG Location: 2 37832 -2 39707 bp Feature: gene Location: 533191-535110 bp Ori: QAY34408.1 Gene: selB Feature: domain Description: PRK10512 Location: 533194-535102 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10512 Location: 533194-535102 bp Feature: gene Location: 535376-536350 bp Ori: QAY34409.1 Feature: domain Description: DeoR Location: 535397-536336 bp Feature: domain Description: DeoR Location: 535397-536336 bp Feature: gene Location: 536887-538197 bp Ori: QAY36470.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 537103-537718 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 537103-537718 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 537769-537970 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 537769-537970 bp Feature: gene Location: 685030-685743 bp Ori: QAY34519.1 Feature: domain Description: TrmN6 Location: 685039-685741 bp Feature: domain Description: TrmN6 Location: 685039-685741 bp Feature: gene Location: 685872-687164 bp Ori: QAY34520.1 Gene: srmB Feature: domain Description: PRK11192 Location: 685881-687132 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK11192 Location: 685881-687132 bp Feature: gene Location: 687228-688538 bp Ori: QAY36477.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 687444-688059 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 687444-688059 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 688110-688311 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 688110-688311 bp Feature: gene Location: 689154-689927 bp Ori: QAY34521.1 Gene: yaaA Feature: domain Description: PRK02101 Location: 689157-689922 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK02 101 Location: 689157-68992 2 bp Feature: gene Location: 690099-691526 bp Ori: QAY34522.1 Feature: domain Description: AlsT Location: 690108-691443 bp Feature: domain Description: AlsT Location: 690108-691443 bp Feature: gene Location: 1021152-1021790 bp Ori: QAY34766.1 Feature: domain Description: nicotinamidase Location: 1021164-1021746 bp Feature: domain Description: nicotinamidase Location: 102 1164-102 1746 bp Feature: gene Location: 1021840-1023147 bp Ori: QAY34767.1 Feature: domain Description: Nterm_IS4 Location: 1021891-1022161 bp Feature: domain Description: Nterm_IS4 Location: 102 1891-102 2 161 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 Location: 1022215-1022878 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 Location: 102 2 2 15-102 2 878 bp Feature: gene Location: 1023416-1024723 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1023653-1024274 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 102 3653-102 42 74 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1024316-1024541 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 102 4316-102 4541 bp Feature: gene Location: 1024964-1025191 bp Feature: gene Location: 1025260-1025439 bp Feature: gene Location: 1415016-1416347 bp Ori: QAY35066.1 Gene: hslU Feature: domain Description: hslU Location: 1415028-1416345 bp Feature: domain Description: hslU Location: 141502 8-1416345 bp Feature: gene Location: 1416358-1416885 bp Ori: QAY35067.1 Gene: hslV Feature: domain Description: HslV Location: 1416364-1416880 bp Feature: domain Description: HslV Location: 1416364-1416880 bp Feature: gene Location: 1417571-1418881 bp Ori: QAY36504.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1417787-1418402 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1417787-1418402 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1418453-1418654 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1418453-1418654 bp Feature: gene Location: 1418908-1419816 bp Ori: QAY35068.1 Gene: ftsN Feature: domain Description: FtsN Location: 1419184-1419802 bp Feature: domain Description: FtsN Location: 1419184-1419802 bp Feature: gene Location: 1419944-1420948 bp Ori: QAY35069.1 Gene: cytR Feature: domain Description: PRK11041 Location: 1420019-1420937 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK11041 Location: 142 0019-142 0937 bp Feature: gene Location: 1754293-1757139 bp Ori: QAY35361.1 Feature: domain Description: PqqL Location: 1754422-1755670 bp Feature: domain Description: PqqL Location: 175442 2 -1755670 bp Feature: domain Description: PqqL Location: 1755829-1757086 bp Feature: domain Description: PqqL Location: 175582 9-1757086 bp Feature: gene Location: 1757294-1758859 bp Ori: QAY35362.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK02107 Location: 1757300-1758851 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK02 107 Location: 1757300-1758851 bp Feature: gene Location: 1759479-1760789 bp Ori: QAY36522.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1759695-1760310 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1759695-1760310 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1760361-1760562 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1760361-1760562 bp Feature: gene Location: 1760872-1761483 bp Ori: QAY35363.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4764 Location: 1760896-1761448 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4764 Location: 1760896-1761448 bp Feature: gene Location: 1761522-1762037 bp Ori: QAY35364.1 Feature: domain Description: LuxS Location: 1761525-1761999 bp Feature: domain Description: LuxS Location: 176152 5-1761999 bp Feature: gene Location: 2235001-2235693 bp Ori: QAY35744.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK01305 Location: 2235010-2235688 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK01305 Location: 2 2 35010-2 2 35688 bp Feature: gene Location: 2235697-2236410 bp Ori: QAY35745.1 Feature: domain Description: aat Location: 2235733-2236393 bp Feature: domain Description: aat Location: 2 2 35733-2 2 36393 bp Feature: gene Location: 2237107-2238417 bp Ori: QAY36541.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2237323-2237938 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2 2 3732 3-2 2 37938 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2237989-2238190 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2 2 37989-2 2 38190 bp Feature: gene Location: 2238475-2240196 bp Ori: QAY35746.1 Gene: cydC Feature: domain Description: PRK11160 Location: 2238478-2240188 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK11160 Location: 2 2 38478-2 2 40188 bp Feature: gene Location: 2240189-2241970 bp Ori: QAY35747.1 Gene: cydD Feature: domain Description: PRK11174 Location: 2240192-2241941 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK11174 Location: 2 2 40192 -2 2 41941 bp Feature: gene Location: 2442997-2444166 bp Ori: QAY35899.1 Gene: lapB Feature: domain Description: YciM Location: 2443000-2444161 bp Feature: domain Description: YciM Location: 2 443000-2 444161 bp Feature: gene Location: 2444392-2445111 bp Ori: QAY35900.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK00230 Location: 2444416-2445100 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK002 30 Location: 2 444416-2 445100 bp Feature: gene Location: 2445721-2447031 bp Ori: QAY36549.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2445937-2446552 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2 445937-2 446552 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2446603-2446804 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2 446603-2 446804 bp Feature: gene Location: 2447106-2447930 bp Ori: QAY35901.1 Feature: domain Description: SapF Location: 2447109-2447874 bp Feature: domain Description: SapF Location: 2 447109-2 447874 bp Feature: gene Location: 2447927-2448925 bp Ori: QAY35902.1 Feature: domain Description: SapD Location: 2447930-2448914 bp Feature: domain Description: SapD Location: 2 447930-2 448914 bp Feature: gene Location: 3117083-3118168 bp Ori: QAY36431.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF3080 Location: 3117188-3118148 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF3080 Location: 3117188-3118148 bp Feature: gene Location: 3118317-3118577 bp Ori: QAY36432.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF5062 Location: 3118329-3118572 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF5062 Location: 311832 9-3118572 bp Feature: gene Location: 3119294-3119911 bp Ori: QAY36433.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3119300-3119432 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3119300-3119432 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3119483-3119693 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3119483-3119693 bp Feature: gene Location: 3119967-3120725 bp Ori: QAY36434.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK09183 Location: 3119976-3120717 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK09183 Location: 3119976-312 0717 bp Feature: gene Location: 3120712-3121755 bp Ori: QAY36435.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 3120715-3121582 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 312 0715-312 1582 bp Feature: gene Location: 3121845-3122555 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3122061-3122553 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 312 2 061-312 2 553 bp Feature: gene Location: 3123145-3124206 bp Ori: QAY36436.1 Feature: domain Description: ApbE Location: 3123190-3124186 bp Feature: domain Description: ApbE Location: 312 3190-312 4186 bp Feature: gene Location: 3124429-3124659 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PRK15074 (inosine/guanosine kinase; Provisional), HemH (COG0276), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), adk (TIGR01351), HtpG (COG0326), PRK10512 (selenocysteinyl-tRNA-specific translation factor; Provisional), DeoR (COG2390), TrmN6 (COG4123), PRK11192 (ATP-dependent RNA helicase SrmB; Provisional)
PRK02101 (peroxide stress protein YaaA), AlsT (COG1115), nicotinamidase (cd01011), Nterm_IS4 (pfam13006), DDE_Tnp_1 (pfam01609), hslU (TIGR00390), HslV (COG5405), FtsN (COG3087), PRK11041 (DNA-binding transcriptional regulator CytR; Provisional), PqqL (COG0612)
PRK02107 (glutamate--cysteine ligase; Provisional), COG4764 (Uncharacterized protein ), LuxS (pfam02664), PRK01305 (arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase; Provisional), aat (TIGR00667), PRK11160 (cysteine/glutathione ABC transporter membrane/ATP-binding component; Reviewed), PRK11174 (cysteine/glutathione ABC transporter membrane/ATP-binding component; Reviewed), YciM (COG2956), PRK00230 (orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase), SapF (COG4167)
SapD (COG4170), DUF3080 (pfam11279), DUF5062 (pfam16691), PRK09183 (transposase/IS protein; Provisional), COG4584 (Transposase ), ApbE (pfam02424)