
myRT report for GCA_004135735.1_ASM413573v1

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Seq: CP012670.1 Sorangium cellulosum strain So ceGT47 chromosome, complete genome (11261481 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 2213212-2225335 bp 2 RT 2: 6040725-6042454 bp 3 RT 3: 7458587-7462543 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [2213212, 2225784] PAS_4 PAS_4 STAS_RsbR_RsbS_like RVT-Retrons SWIM WD40 WD40 WD40 KOG0266 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 Neighborhood of RT #2 [6040725, 6042483] TnpB_IS66 RVT-GII RpoE Neighborhood of RT #3 [7458587, 7462543] Endonuclea_NS_2 RVT-UG2 Feature: gene Location: 2213212-2214402 bp Ori: AUX21246.1 Feature: domain Description: PAS_4 Location: 2213227-2213320 bp Feature: domain Description: PAS_4 Location: 221 3227-221 3320 bp Feature: domain Description: PAS_4 Location: 2213581-2213902 bp Feature: domain Description: PAS_4 Location: 221 3581 -221 3902 bp Feature: domain Description: STAS_RsbR_RsbS_like Location: 2214055-2214379 bp Feature: domain Description: STAS_RsbR_RsbS_like Location: 221 4055-221 4379 bp Feature: gene Location: 2214436-2215170 bp Feature: gene Location: 2215261-2216742 bp Ori: AUX21248.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 2215816-2216485 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 221 581 6-221 6485 bp Feature: gene Location: 2217152-2219029 bp Ori: AUX21249.1 Feature: domain Description: SWIM Location: 2218625-2218727 bp Feature: domain Description: SWIM Location: 221 8625-221 8727 bp Feature: gene Location: 2219026-2225784 bp Ori: AUX21250.1 Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 2219287-2219395 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 221 9287-221 9395 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 2219476-2219551 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 221 9476-221 9551 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 2219587-2219677 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 221 9587-221 9677 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG0266 Location: 2219800-2219926 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG0266 Location: 221 9800-221 9926 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2220109-2220355 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 22201 09-2220355 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2220985-2221234 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2220985-2221 234 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2221489-2221708 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2221 489-2221 708 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222047-2222170 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222047-22221 70 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222203-2222374 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222203-2222374 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222389-2222617 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2222389-222261 7 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2223073-2223232 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2223073-2223232 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2223259-2223466 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2223259-2223466 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2223718-2223883 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 222371 8-2223883 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2224540-2224747 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2224540-2224747 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 2225107-2225335 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 22251 07-2225335 bp Feature: gene Location: 6040725-6041048 bp Feature: gene Location: 6041045-6041401 bp Ori: AUX24050.1 Gene: isftu1 Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 6041066-6041360 bp Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 6041 066-6041 360 bp Feature: gene Location: 6041098-6041952 bp Ori: AUX24051.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6041383-6041539 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6041 383-6041 539 bp Feature: gene Location: 6041994-6042170 bp Feature: gene Location: 6042196-6042483 bp Ori: AUX24053.1 Feature: domain Description: RpoE Location: 6042268-6042454 bp Feature: domain Description: RpoE Location: 6042268-6042454 bp Feature: gene Location: 7458587-7458787 bp Feature: gene Location: 7458897-7459523 bp Ori: AUX25171.1 Feature: domain Description: Endonuclea_NS_2 Location: 7459023-7459404 bp Feature: domain Description: Endonuclea_NS_2 Location: 7459023-7459404 bp Feature: gene Location: 7459575-7460978 bp Ori: AUX25172.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 7459749-7460574 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 7459749-7460574 bp Feature: gene Location: 7461840-7462121 bp Feature: gene Location: 7462130-7462543 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PAS_4 (pfam08448), STAS_RsbR_RsbS_like (cd07041), RVT-Retrons, SWIM (pfam04434), WD40 (smart00320), KOG0266 (KOG0266, WD40 repeat-containing protein ), HEAT_2 (pfam13646), TnpB_IS66 (pfam05717), RVT-GII, RpoE (COG3343)
Endonuclea_NS_2 (pfam13930), RVT-UG2