
myRT report for GCA_005886215.1_ASM588621v1

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Seq: CP040506.1 Hungatella hathewayi WAL-18680 chromosome, complete genome (5662031 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1132700-1134602 bp 2 RT 2: 3625997-3630971 bp 3 RT 3: 5087997-5092531 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1132700, 1134607] Phage_holin_5_2 RVT-DGRs Phage_XkdX Neighborhood of RT #2 [3625997, 3630971] TadB CpaF RVT-GII HNHc Neighborhood of RT #3 [5087997, 5092956] ClpA RVT-UG14 AbiEi_4 Feature: gene Location: 1132700-1132996 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_holin_5_2 Location: 1132748-1132979 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_holin_5_2 Location: 1 1 32748-1 1 32979 bp Feature: gene Location: 1133008-1133346 bp Feature: gene Location: 1133349-1133780 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 1133352-1133496 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 1 1 33352-1 1 33496 bp Feature: gene Location: 1133982-1134467 bp Feature: gene Location: 1134464-1134607 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_XkdX Location: 1134485-1134602 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_XkdX Location: 1 1 34485-1 1 34602 bp Feature: gene Location: 3625997-3626929 bp Feature: domain Description: TadB Location: 3626204-3626858 bp Feature: domain Description: TadB Location: 3626204-3626858 bp Feature: gene Location: 3626930-3628036 bp Feature: domain Description: CpaF Location: 3627002-3627881 bp Feature: domain Description: CpaF Location: 3627002-3627881 bp Feature: gene Location: 3628085-3629911 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3628400-3629099 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3628400-3629099 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 3629648-3629789 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 3629648-3629789 bp Feature: gene Location: 3630468-3630599 bp Feature: gene Location: 3630645-3630971 bp Feature: gene Location: 5087997-5088800 bp Feature: gene Location: 5088793-5089905 bp Feature: domain Description: ClpA Location: 5089144-5089627 bp Feature: domain Description: ClpA Location: 50891 44-5089627 bp Feature: gene Location: 5089975-5091330 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG14 Note: UG14 RT Location: 5090326-5090671 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG1 4 Note: UG1 4 RT Location: 5090326-5090671 bp Feature: gene Location: 5092058-5092294 bp Feature: gene Location: 5092372-5092956 bp Feature: domain Description: AbiEi_4 Location: 5092402-5092531 bp Feature: domain Description: AbiEi_4 Location: 5092402-5092531 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Phage_holin_5_2 (pfam16079), RVT-DGRs, Phage_XkdX (pfam09693), TadB (COG4965), CpaF (COG4962), RVT-GII, HNHc (smart00507), ClpA (TIGR02639), RVT-UG14, AbiEi_4 (pfam13338)