
myRT report for GCA_011765385.1_ASM1176538v1

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Seq: CP050278.1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 10553 plasmid unnamed3, complete sequence (113516 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 69758-73283 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [69758, 73300] StbA RVT-GII PRK10276 Feature: gene Location: 69758-70728 bp Feature: domain Description: StbA Location: 69761-70607 bp Feature: domain Description: StbA Location: 69761 -70607 bp Feature: gene Location: 70859-70983 bp Feature: gene Location: 70976-72463 bp Ori: QIQ81762.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 71381-72071 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 71 381 -72071 bp Feature: gene Location: 72775-72891 bp Feature: gene Location: 72869-73300 bp Ori: QIQ81764.1 Gene: umuD Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 72920-73283 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 0276 Location: 72920-73283 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT StbA (pfam06406), RVT-GII, PRK10276 (translesion error-prone DNA polymerase V autoproteolytic subunit)

Seq: CP050279.1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 10553 plasmid unnamed4, complete sequence (96437 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 57977-63097 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [57977, 63278] IncFII_repA DUF2913 RVT-GII PRK10276 umuC Feature: gene Location: 57977-58576 bp Ori: QIQ81879.1 Feature: domain Description: IncFII_repA Location: 58106-58475 bp Feature: domain Description: IncFII_repA Location: 58106-58475 bp Feature: gene Location: 59483-60097 bp Ori: QIQ81850.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF2913 Location: 59513-59999 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF2 913 Location: 59513-59999 bp Feature: gene Location: 60511-61998 bp Ori: QIQ81851.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 60916-61606 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 60916-61606 bp Feature: gene Location: 62075-62500 bp Ori: QIQ81852.1 Gene: umuD Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 62126-62486 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK102 76 Location: 62 12 6-62 486 bp Feature: gene Location: 62500-63278 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 62503-63097 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 62 503-63097 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT IncFII_repA (pfam02387), DUF2913 (pfam11140), RVT-GII, PRK10276 (translesion error-prone DNA polymerase V autoproteolytic subunit), umuC (PRK03609)

Seq: CP050276.1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 10553 plasmid unnamed1, complete sequence (404774 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 7615-12182 bp 2 RT 2: 205539-210516 bp 3 RT 3: 346859-352486 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [7615, 12182] YafO_toxin Microcin RVT-GII INT_P4_C Neighborhood of RT #2 [205539, 210516] DDE_Tnp_1_5 HHA RVT-GII INT_Cre_C Neighborhood of RT #3 [346859, 352486] DUF3560 RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM Feature: gene Location: 7615-8025 bp Ori: QIQ81434.1 Feature: domain Description: YafO_toxin Location: 7723-8008 bp Feature: domain Description: YafO_toxin Location: 7723 -8008 bp Feature: gene Location: 8090-8449 bp Ori: QIQ81435.1 Feature: domain Description: Microcin Location: 8237-8336 bp Feature: domain Description: Microcin Location: 823 7-83 3 6 bp Feature: gene Location: 9133-10620 bp Ori: QIQ81436.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 9538-10228 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 953 8-10228 bp Feature: gene Location: 10707-11807 bp Ori: QIQ81437.1 Feature: domain Description: INT_P4_C Location: 11166-11712 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_P4_C Location: 11166-11712 bp Feature: gene Location: 11802-12182 bp Feature: gene Location: 205539-206506 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1_5 Location: 205641-205974 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1_5 Location: 205641-205974 bp Feature: gene Location: 206656-206913 bp Ori: QIQ81553.1 Feature: domain Description: HHA Location: 206707-206890 bp Feature: domain Description: HHA Location: 206707-206890 bp Feature: gene Location: 207427-208914 bp Ori: QIQ81554.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 207832-208522 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 20783 2-208522 bp Feature: gene Location: 208999-210133 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_Cre_C Location: 209422-209800 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_Cre_C Location: 209422-209800 bp Feature: gene Location: 210199-210516 bp Feature: gene Location: 346859-348219 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF3560 Location: 347126-347483 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF3 560 Location: 3 47126-3 47483 bp Feature: gene Location: 348271-348501 bp Feature: gene Location: 349898-351563 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 349946-350183 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 3 49946-3 50183 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 350234-350876 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3 5023 4-3 50876 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 350927-351131 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 3 50927-3 5113 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 351877-352068 bp Feature: gene Location: 352065-352486 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT YafO_toxin (pfam13957), Microcin (pfam03526), RVT-GII, INT_P4_C (cd00801), DDE_Tnp_1_5 (pfam13737), HHA (pfam05321), INT_Cre_C (cd00799), DUF3560 (pfam12083), RVT_N (pfam13655), GIIM (pfam08388)

Seq: CP050275.1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 10553 chromosome, complete genome (5464574 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 170825-176370 bp 2 RT 2: 520709-524864 bp 3 RT 3: 612285-617693 bp 4 RT 4: 760190-765075 bp 5 RT 5: 841699-845397 bp 6 RT 6: 2035465-2040768 bp 7 RT 7: 2654036-2659694 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [170825, 176396] YbjK int RVT-GII Phage_CI_repr Phage_CI_repr Phage_CI_C Neighborhood of RT #2 [520709, 524869] DinI RVT-GII PRK10276 umuC Neighborhood of RT #3 [612285, 617695] GT9_LPS_heptosyltransferase DinI RVT-GII PRK10276 umuC umuC Neighborhood of RT #4 [760190, 765295] PinE XerC RVT-GII PRK10276 umuC Neighborhood of RT #5 [841699, 845402] Laminin_G_3 RVT-GII PRK10597 Neighborhood of RT #6 [2035465, 2041944] YccC PRK10016 RVT-GII dacD SbcB Neighborhood of RT #7 [2654036, 2659771] DinI RVT-GII Phage_GPA dam Feature: gene Location: 170825-171387 bp Feature: domain Description: YbjK Location: 170831-171371 bp Feature: domain Description: YbjK Location: 170831-171371 bp Feature: gene Location: 171510-172489 bp Feature: domain Description: int Location: 171513-171690 bp Feature: domain Description: int Location: 171513-171690 bp Feature: gene Location: 172977-174464 bp Ori: QIQ77921.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 173382-174072 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 173382-174 072 bp Feature: gene Location: 174562-175506 bp Feature: gene Location: 175518-176396 bp Ori: QIQ81164.1 Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_repr Location: 175545-175728 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_repr Location: 17554 5-175728 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_repr Location: 175857-176049 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_repr Location: 175857-17604 9 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_C Location: 176076-176370 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_CI_C Location: 176076-176370 bp Feature: gene Location: 520709-520951 bp Feature: gene Location: 520951-521193 bp Ori: QIQ78149.1 Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 520999-521182 bp Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 520999-521182 bp Feature: gene Location: 521591-523078 bp Ori: QIQ78150.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 521996-522686 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 521996-522686 bp Feature: gene Location: 523182-523601 bp Ori: QIQ81180.1 Gene: umuD Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 523185-523596 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 523185-523596 bp Feature: gene Location: 523604-524869 bp Ori: QIQ78151.1 Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 523607-524864 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 523607-524 864 bp Feature: gene Location: 612285-613419 bp Feature: domain Description: GT9_LPS_heptosyltransferase Location: 612465-613224 bp Feature: domain Description: GT9_LPS_heptosyltransferase Location: 6124 65-613224 bp Feature: gene Location: 613590-613832 bp Ori: QIQ78204.1 Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 613641-613821 bp Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 61364 1-613821 bp Feature: gene Location: 614446-615933 bp Ori: QIQ78205.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 614851-615541 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 614 851-61554 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 616011-616430 bp Ori: QIQ78206.1 Gene: umuD Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 616014-616425 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 616014 -6164 25 bp Feature: gene Location: 616433-617695 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 616436-617027 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 6164 36-617027 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 617576-617693 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 617576-617693 bp Feature: gene Location: 760190-760651 bp Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 760193-760643 bp Feature: domain Description: PinE Location: 760193-76064 3 bp Feature: gene Location: 760729-761151 bp Ori: QIQ78311.1 Feature: domain Description: XerC Location: 760765-761110 bp Feature: domain Description: XerC Location: 760765-761110 bp Feature: gene Location: 762045-763531 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 762450-762576 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7624 50-762576 bp Feature: gene Location: 763611-764029 bp Gene: umuD Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 763614-763821 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10276 Location: 763614 -763821 bp Feature: gene Location: 764031-765295 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 764034-765075 bp Feature: domain Description: umuC Location: 764 034 -765075 bp Feature: gene Location: 841699-842430 bp Ori: QIQ78373.1 Feature: domain Description: Laminin_G_3 Location: 842035-842374 bp Feature: domain Description: Laminin_G_3 Location: 84 2035-84 2374 bp Feature: gene Location: 842427-842636 bp Feature: gene Location: 843086-844572 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 843491-843617 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 84 34 91-84 3617 bp Feature: gene Location: 844650-844924 bp Feature: gene Location: 845154-845402 bp Ori: QIQ78375.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10597 Location: 845157-845397 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10597 Location: 84 5157-84 5397 bp Feature: gene Location: 2035465-2036522 bp Feature: domain Description: YccC Location: 2035471-2036128 bp Feature: domain Description: YccC Location: 20354 71-2036128 bp Feature: gene Location: 2036621-2037094 bp Ori: QIQ79013.1 Gene: sbmC Feature: domain Description: PRK10016 Location: 2036624-2037083 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10016 Location: 2036624 -2037083 bp Feature: gene Location: 2037175-2038662 bp Ori: QIQ79014.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2037580-2038270 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2037580-2038270 bp Feature: gene Location: 2039178-2040341 bp Ori: QIQ79015.1 Gene: dacD Feature: domain Description: dacD Location: 2039181-2040336 bp Feature: domain Description: dacD Location: 2039181-204 0336 bp Feature: gene Location: 2040522-2041944 bp Gene: sbcB Feature: domain Description: SbcB Location: 2040528-2040768 bp Feature: domain Description: SbcB Location: 204 0528-204 0768 bp Feature: gene Location: 2654036-2654269 bp Ori: QIQ79376.1 Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 2654081-2654264 bp Feature: domain Description: DinI Location: 2654 081-2654 264 bp Feature: gene Location: 2654281-2654469 bp Feature: gene Location: 2654577-2656064 bp Ori: QIQ79378.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2654982-2655672 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2654 982-2655672 bp Feature: gene Location: 2656540-2658923 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_GPA Location: 2657104-2658070 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_GPA Location: 2657104 -2658070 bp Feature: gene Location: 2658920-2659771 bp Ori: QIQ79379.1 Feature: domain Description: dam Location: 2658923-2659694 bp Feature: domain Description: dam Location: 2658923-2659694 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT YbjK (COG3226), int (PHA02601), RVT-GII, Phage_CI_repr (pfam07022), Phage_CI_C (pfam16452), DinI (pfam06183), PRK10276 (translesion error-prone DNA polymerase V autoproteolytic subunit), umuC (PRK03609), GT9_LPS_heptosyltransferase (cd03789), PinE (COG1961)
XerC (COG4973), Laminin_G_3 (pfam13385), PRK10597 (DNA damage-inducible protein I; Provisional), YccC (COG1289), PRK10016 (DNA gyrase inhibitor SbmC), dacD (PRK11397), SbcB (COG2925), Phage_GPA (pfam05840), dam (TIGR00571)