
myRT report for GCA_012277335.1_ASM1227733v1

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Seq: CP040605.1 Saccharopolyspora sp. ASAGF58 chromosome, complete genome (8045912 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1236360-1244117 bp 2 RT 2: 2389893-2396014 bp 3 RT 3: 2740527-2748389 bp 4 RT 4: 3369467-3375713 bp 5 RT 5: 4062449-4068806 bp 6 RT 6: 5022164-5027036 bp 7 RT 7: 6015516-6020566 bp 8 RT 8: 6167458-6171089 bp 9 RT 9: 6929636-6936880 bp 10 RT 10: 7139378-7142594 bp 11 RT 11: 7183958-7188724 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1236360, 1244131] COG3907 RVT-GII RVT_N RVT-GII YloV Ribosomal_L28 Neighborhood of RT #2 [2389893, 2396337] Usp RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM ABC2_membrane_4 ABC_BcrA_bacitracin_resist Neighborhood of RT #3 [2740527, 2748389] DUF397 RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM RVT-GII Neighborhood of RT #4 [3369467, 3376153] Transposase_mut RVT-GII Intron_maturas2 RbpA DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 Neighborhood of RT #5 [4062449, 4068859] PRK14103 RVT-GII UbiH ISOPREN_C2_like ISOPREN_C2_like Neighborhood of RT #6 [5022164, 5027335] DDE_5 DDE_Tnp_1_assoc YhhI YhhI RVT-GII SerB Trans_IPPS_HT Neighborhood of RT #7 [6015516, 6021479] COG3293 RVT-GII GIIM RVT_N RVT-GII InsE Neighborhood of RT #8 [6167458, 6171133] chori_FkbO_Hyg5 Asparaginase_2 RVT-GII methyltr_grsp methyltr_grsp Neighborhood of RT #9 [6929636, 6936903] Robl_LC7 NIT NIT HATPase RVT-GII GIIM PRK09287 ManC Neighborhood of RT #10 [7139378, 7142594] DDE_5 RVT_N RVT-GII HTH_23 Neighborhood of RT #11 [7183958, 7188831] COG3473 PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_8 RVT-GII HTH_26 Feature: gene Location: 1236360-1236821 bp Ori: QIZ34307.1 Feature: domain Description: COG3907 Location: 1236501-1236705 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3907 Location: 1 236501 -1 236705 bp Feature: gene Location: 1236836-1237072 bp Feature: gene Location: 1237481-1238805 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1237655-1237835 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 237655-1 237835 bp Feature: gene Location: 1238951-1239262 bp Feature: gene Location: 1239259-1240555 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 1239316-1239562 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 1 23931 6-1 239562 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1239610-1239829 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 23961 0-1 239829 bp Feature: gene Location: 1242095-1243648 bp Ori: QIZ34310.1 Feature: domain Description: YloV Location: 1242131-1243646 bp Feature: domain Description: YloV Location: 1 2421 31 -1 243646 bp Feature: gene Location: 1243940-1244131 bp Ori: QIZ34311.1 Gene: rpmB Feature: domain Description: Ribosomal_L28 Location: 1243952-1244117 bp Feature: domain Description: Ribosomal_L28 Location: 1 243952-1 2441 1 7 bp Feature: gene Location: 2389893-2390402 bp Feature: gene Location: 2390725-2391168 bp Ori: QIZ39431.1 Feature: domain Description: Usp Location: 2390746-2391157 bp Feature: domain Description: Usp Location: 2390746-2391 1 57 bp Feature: gene Location: 2391895-2393618 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2391952-2392198 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2391 952-23921 98 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2392246-2392891 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2392246-2392891 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2392987-2393155 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2392987-23931 55 bp Feature: gene Location: 2394668-2395393 bp Ori: QIZ35191.1 Feature: domain Description: ABC2_membrane_4 Location: 2394677-2395166 bp Feature: domain Description: ABC2_membrane_4 Location: 2394677-23951 66 bp Feature: gene Location: 2395390-2396337 bp Ori: QIZ35192.1 Feature: domain Description: ABC_BcrA_bacitracin_resist Location: 2395405-2396014 bp Feature: domain Description: ABC_BcrA_bacitracin_resist Location: 2395405-239601 4 bp Feature: gene Location: 2740527-2740721 bp Ori: QIZ35438.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF397 Location: 2740551-2740701 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF397 Location: 2740551 -2740701 bp Feature: gene Location: 2741157-2741435 bp Feature: gene Location: 2743278-2745021 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2743311-2743557 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 274331 1 -2743557 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2743605-2744250 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2743605-2744250 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2744346-2744514 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2744346-274451 4 bp Feature: gene Location: 2745123-2746447 bp Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2745297-2745477 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2745297-2745477 bp Feature: gene Location: 2746573-2747413 bp Feature: gene Location: 2748165-2748389 bp Feature: gene Location: 3369467-3369979 bp Feature: gene Location: 3369976-3371259 bp Ori: QIZ35939.1 Feature: domain Description: Transposase_mut Location: 3370036-3371149 bp Feature: domain Description: Transposase_mut Location: 3370036-3371 1 49 bp Feature: gene Location: 3372004-3373683 bp Ori: QIZ39550.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 3372169-3372964 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 33721 69-3372964 bp Feature: domain Description: Intron_maturas2 Location: 3373066-3373297 bp Feature: domain Description: Intron_maturas2 Location: 3373066-3373297 bp Feature: gene Location: 3374152-3374412 bp Feature: domain Description: RbpA Location: 3374155-3374269 bp Feature: domain Description: RbpA Location: 33741 55-3374269 bp Feature: gene Location: 3374510-3376153 bp Ori: QIZ35940.1 Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 Location: 3374795-3375713 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_ISAZ01 3 Location: 3374795-337571 3 bp Feature: gene Location: 4062449-4063207 bp Ori: QIZ36451.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK14103 Location: 4062452-4063202 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 41 03 Location: 4062452-4063202 bp Feature: gene Location: 4064037-4064468 bp Feature: gene Location: 4065179-4065553 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4065263-4065551 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4065263-4065551 bp Feature: gene Location: 4065910-4067181 bp Ori: QIZ36453.1 Feature: domain Description: UbiH Location: 4065940-4067101 bp Feature: domain Description: UbiH Location: 4065940-40671 01 bp Feature: gene Location: 4067147-4068859 bp Ori: QIZ36454.1 Feature: domain Description: ISOPREN_C2_like Location: 4067195-4067459 bp Feature: domain Description: ISOPREN_C2_like Location: 40671 95-4067459 bp Feature: domain Description: ISOPREN_C2_like Location: 4067972-4068806 bp Feature: domain Description: ISOPREN_C2_like Location: 4067972-4068806 bp Feature: gene Location: 5022164-5023003 bp Ori: QIZ37150.1 Feature: domain Description: DDE_5 Location: 5022251-5022692 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_5 Location: 5022251 -5022692 bp Feature: gene Location: 5023043-5024098 bp Ori: QIZ37151.1 Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1_assoc Location: 5023049-5023289 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 _assoc Location: 5023049-5023289 bp Feature: domain Description: YhhI Location: 5023430-5023625 bp Feature: domain Description: YhhI Location: 5023430-5023625 bp Feature: domain Description: YhhI Location: 5023829-5024012 bp Feature: domain Description: YhhI Location: 5023829-502401 2 bp Feature: gene Location: 5024855-5025322 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 5024978-5025287 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 5024978-5025287 bp Feature: gene Location: 5025433-5026221 bp Ori: QIZ37152.1 Feature: domain Description: SerB Location: 5025478-5026123 bp Feature: domain Description: SerB Location: 5025478-50261 23 bp Feature: gene Location: 5026211-5027335 bp Ori: QIZ37153.1 Feature: domain Description: Trans_IPPS_HT Location: 5026436-5027036 bp Feature: domain Description: Trans_IPPS_HT Location: 5026436-5027036 bp Feature: gene Location: 6015516-6015965 bp Ori: QIZ37752.1 Feature: domain Description: COG3293 Location: 6015528-6015900 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3293 Location: 601 5528-601 5900 bp Feature: gene Location: 6015908-6016135 bp Feature: gene Location: 6016586-6017830 bp Ori: QIZ37754.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6016592-6016949 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 601 6592-601 6949 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 6017045-6017279 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 601 7045-601 7279 bp Feature: gene Location: 6017987-6018463 bp Ori: QIZ37755.1 Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 6018044-6018290 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 601 8044-601 8290 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6018338-6018461 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 601 8338-601 8461 bp Feature: gene Location: 6019745-6020021 bp Feature: gene Location: 6020242-6021479 bp Feature: domain Description: InsE Location: 6020257-6020566 bp Feature: domain Description: InsE Location: 6020257-6020566 bp Feature: gene Location: 6167458-6168438 bp Ori: QIZ37848.1 Feature: domain Description: chori_FkbO_Hyg5 Location: 6167506-6168427 bp Feature: domain Description: chori_FkbO_Hyg5 Location: 61 67506-61 68427 bp Feature: gene Location: 6168507-6169007 bp Ori: QIZ37849.1 Feature: domain Description: Asparaginase_2 Location: 6168654-6168945 bp Feature: domain Description: Asparaginase_2 Location: 61 68654-61 68945 bp Feature: gene Location: 6169097-6169752 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6169115-6169325 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 61 691 1 5-61 69325 bp Feature: gene Location: 6170133-6170528 bp Ori: QIZ37850.1 Feature: domain Description: methyltr_grsp Location: 6170145-6170520 bp Feature: domain Description: methyltr_grsp Location: 61 701 45-61 70520 bp Feature: gene Location: 6170543-6171133 bp Ori: QIZ37851.1 Feature: domain Description: methyltr_grsp Location: 6170546-6171089 bp Feature: domain Description: methyltr_grsp Location: 61 70546-61 71 089 bp Feature: gene Location: 6929636-6930037 bp Ori: QIZ38425.1 Feature: domain Description: Robl_LC7 Location: 6929672-6929939 bp Feature: domain Description: Robl_LC7 Location: 6929672-6929939 bp Feature: gene Location: 6930070-6932409 bp Ori: QIZ38426.1 Feature: domain Description: NIT Location: 6930283-6930934 bp Feature: domain Description: NIT Location: 6930283-6930934 bp Feature: domain Description: NIT Location: 6931246-6931456 bp Feature: domain Description: NIT Location: 6931 246-6931 456 bp Feature: domain Description: HATPase Location: 6931666-6931966 bp Feature: domain Description: HATPase Location: 6931 666-6931 966 bp Feature: gene Location: 6932702-6933949 bp Ori: QIZ38427.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6932918-6933575 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 693291 8-6933575 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 6933653-6933887 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 6933653-6933887 bp Feature: gene Location: 6934923-6936362 bp Ori: QIZ38428.1 Gene: gndA Feature: domain Description: PRK09287 Location: 6934968-6936339 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK09287 Location: 6934968-6936339 bp Feature: gene Location: 6936379-6936903 bp Ori: QIZ38429.1 Feature: domain Description: ManC Location: 6936559-6936880 bp Feature: domain Description: ManC Location: 6936559-6936880 bp Feature: gene Location: 7139378-7139704 bp Feature: gene Location: 7139777-7140172 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_5 Location: 7139786-7140158 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_5 Location: 71 39786-71 401 58 bp Feature: gene Location: 7140239-7140709 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 7140317-7140557 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 71 4031 7-71 40557 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7140614-7140710 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 71 4061 4-71 4071 0 bp Feature: gene Location: 7141473-7142042 bp Ori: QIZ38587.1 Feature: domain Description: HTH_23 Location: 7141725-7141815 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_23 Location: 71 41 725-71 41 81 5 bp Feature: gene Location: 7142307-7142594 bp Feature: gene Location: 7183958-7184680 bp Ori: QIZ38618.1 Feature: domain Description: COG3473 Location: 7183967-7184672 bp Feature: domain Description: COG3473 Location: 71 83967-71 84672 bp Feature: gene Location: 7185202-7186776 bp Ori: QIZ38619.1 Feature: domain Description: PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_8 Location: 7185286-7186723 bp Feature: domain Description: PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_8 Location: 71 85286-71 86723 bp Feature: gene Location: 7186984-7187679 bp Ori: QIZ39978.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7187056-7187623 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 71 87056-71 87623 bp Feature: gene Location: 7187591-7188511 bp Feature: gene Location: 7188508-7188831 bp Ori: QIZ38621.1 Feature: domain Description: HTH_26 Location: 7188520-7188724 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_26 Location: 71 88520-71 88724 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT COG3907 (Membrane-associated enzyme, PAP2 (acid phosphatase) superfamily ), RVT-GII, RVT_N (pfam13655), YloV (TIGR03599), Ribosomal_L28 (pfam00830), Usp (pfam00582), GIIM (pfam08388), ABC2_membrane_4 (pfam12730), ABC_BcrA_bacitracin_resist (cd03268), DUF397 (pfam04149)
Transposase_mut (pfam00872), Intron_maturas2 (pfam01348), RbpA (pfam13397), DDE_Tnp_ISAZ013 (pfam07592), PRK14103 (trans-aconitate 2-methyltransferase; Provisional), UbiH (TIGR01984), ISOPREN_C2_like (cl08267), DDE_5 (pfam13546), DDE_Tnp_1_assoc (pfam13808), YhhI (COG5433)
SerB (COG0560), Trans_IPPS_HT (cd00685), COG3293 (Transposase ), InsE (COG2963), chori_FkbO_Hyg5 (TIGR04444), Asparaginase_2 (pfam01112), methyltr_grsp (TIGR04188), Robl_LC7 (smart00960), NIT (pfam08376), HATPase (cl00075)
PRK09287 (NADP-dependent phosphogluconate dehydrogenase), ManC (COG0662), HTH_23 (pfam13384), COG3473 (Maleate cis-trans isomerase ), PBP2_NikA_DppA_OppA_like_8 (cd08495), HTH_26 (pfam13443)