
myRT report for GCA_901538265.1_ASM90153826v1

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Seq: LR593886.1 Gemmata massiliana isolate Soil9 genome assembly, chromosome: 1 (10135216 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1487321-1493172 bp 2 RT 2: 2833173-2839966 bp 3 RT 3: 4255565-4260155 bp 4 RT 4: 4328400-4336416 bp 5 RT 5: 6320338-6324560 bp 6 RT 6: 7593720-7606073 bp 7 RT 7: 8773678-8781568 bp 8 RT 8: 8801785-8807136 bp 9 RT 9: 8955084-8960348 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1487321, 1493399] RVT-Retrons PQQ_2 CVT17 Neighborhood of RT #2 [2833173, 2840040] RVT-GII GIIM DDE_Tnp_IS66 DUF1573 Neighborhood of RT #3 [4255565, 4260155] AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA RVT-GII GIIM AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA Neighborhood of RT #4 [4328400, 4336697] PQQ_3 PQQ_2 YfmG RVT-Retrons HEAT_2 HEAT HEAT_2 Aldo_ket_red Trypsin_2 Trypsin_2 TPR Neighborhood of RT #5 [6320338, 6324598] WcaJ_sugtrans RVT-Retrons LRR_RI Neighborhood of RT #6 [7593720, 7606171] Pan_kinase trmE trmE RVT-Retrons WD40 WD40 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 Neighborhood of RT #7 [8773678, 8781591] RVT-DGRs HRDC STKc_PknB_like DUF4062 YfmG Neighborhood of RT #8 [8801785, 8807136] DUF1016_N RVT-GII Intron_maturas2 HNHc YhcG_C Neighborhood of RT #9 [8955084, 8960348] STKc_PknB_like STKc_PknB_like TPR sigma70-ECF RVT-Retrons SPFH_eoslipins_u2 Feature: gene Location: 1487321-1489015 bp Feature: gene Location: 1489032-1489517 bp Feature: gene Location: 1489841-1491427 bp Ori: VTR91962.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1490585-1491200 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1 490585-1 491 200 bp Feature: gene Location: 1491629-1492573 bp Ori: VTR91963.1 Feature: domain Description: PQQ_2 Location: 1491728-1492499 bp Feature: domain Description: PQQ_2 Location: 1 491 728-1 492499 bp Feature: gene Location: 1492665-1493399 bp Ori: VTR91964.1 Feature: domain Description: CVT17 Location: 1493007-1493172 bp Feature: domain Description: CVT1 7 Location: 1 493007-1 4931 72 bp Feature: gene Location: 2833173-2834891 bp Feature: gene Location: 2836231-2836542 bp Feature: gene Location: 2837096-2838145 bp Ori: VTR93098.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2837105-2837741 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 28371 05-2837741 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2837813-2838035 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 283781 3-2838035 bp Feature: gene Location: 2838092-2838241 bp Ori: VTR93099.1 Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2838095-2838194 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2838095-28381 94 bp Feature: gene Location: 2839234-2840040 bp Ori: VTR93100.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF1573 Location: 2839747-2839966 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF1 573 Location: 2839747-2839966 bp Feature: gene Location: 4255565-4255738 bp Feature: gene Location: 4255793-4255966 bp Ori: VTR94355.1 Feature: domain Description: AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA Location: 4255796-4255955 bp Feature: domain Description: AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA Location: 4255796-4255955 bp Feature: gene Location: 4256451-4257779 bp Ori: VTR94356.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4256742-4257405 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 4256742-4257405 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 4257477-4257699 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 4257477-4257699 bp Feature: gene Location: 4257854-4259074 bp Ori: VTR94357.1 Feature: domain Description: AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA Location: 4257944-4258787 bp Feature: domain Description: AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA Location: 4257944-4258787 bp Feature: gene Location: 4259550-4260155 bp Feature: gene Location: 4328400-4329728 bp Ori: VTR94418.1 Feature: domain Description: PQQ_3 Location: 4328574-4328646 bp Feature: domain Description: PQQ_3 Location: 4328574-4328646 bp Feature: domain Description: PQQ_2 Location: 4328760-4329486 bp Feature: domain Description: PQQ_2 Location: 4328760-4329486 bp Feature: gene Location: 4329823-4330800 bp Ori: VTR94419.1 Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 4330084-4330777 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 4330084-4330777 bp Feature: gene Location: 4330797-4332344 bp Ori: VTR94420.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 4331424-4332048 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 4331 424-4332048 bp Feature: gene Location: 4332415-4334499 bp Ori: VTR94421.1 Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 4332535-4332793 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 4332535-4332793 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 4332814-4332868 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 433281 4-4332868 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 4333042-4333231 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 4333042-4333231 bp Feature: domain Description: Aldo_ket_red Location: 4333879-4334434 bp Feature: domain Description: Aldo_ket_red Location: 4333879-4334434 bp Feature: gene Location: 4334631-4336697 bp Ori: VTR94422.1 Feature: domain Description: Trypsin_2 Location: 4334727-4335231 bp Feature: domain Description: Trypsin_2 Location: 4334727-4335231 bp Feature: domain Description: Trypsin_2 Location: 4335414-4335891 bp Feature: domain Description: Trypsin_2 Location: 433541 4-4335891 bp Feature: domain Description: TPR Location: 4336191-4336416 bp Feature: domain Description: TPR Location: 43361 91 -433641 6 bp Feature: gene Location: 6320338-6321759 bp Ori: VTR95996.1 Feature: domain Description: WcaJ_sugtrans Location: 6320404-6321757 bp Feature: domain Description: WcaJ_sugtrans Location: 6320404-6321 757 bp Feature: gene Location: 6321887-6322060 bp Feature: gene Location: 6322331-6323692 bp Ori: VTR95998.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 6322799-6323444 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 6322799-6323444 bp Feature: gene Location: 6323734-6323880 bp Feature: gene Location: 6324044-6324598 bp Ori: VTR96000.1 Feature: domain Description: LRR_RI Location: 6324062-6324560 bp Feature: domain Description: LRR_RI Location: 6324062-6324560 bp Feature: gene Location: 7593720-7594478 bp Ori: VTR97570.1 Feature: domain Description: Pan_kinase Location: 7593738-7594305 bp Feature: domain Description: Pan_kinase Location: 7593738-7594305 bp Feature: gene Location: 7594475-7595662 bp Ori: VTR97572.1 Feature: domain Description: trmE Location: 7594481-7594844 bp Feature: domain Description: trmE Location: 7594481 -7594844 bp Feature: domain Description: trmE Location: 7595030-7595615 bp Feature: domain Description: trmE Location: 7595030-759561 5 bp Feature: gene Location: 7595789-7597117 bp Ori: VTR97574.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 7596254-7596872 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 7596254-7596872 bp Feature: gene Location: 7597234-7599099 bp Feature: gene Location: 7599281-7606171 bp Ori: VTR97578.1 Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 7600031-7600289 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 7600031 -7600289 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 7600349-7600598 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 7600349-7600598 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7600643-7600877 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7600643-7600877 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7600931-7601153 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7600931 -7601 1 53 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7601465-7601672 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7601 465-7601 672 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7601720-7601969 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7601 720-7601 969 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7602104-7602338 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 76021 04-7602338 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7602425-7602650 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7602425-7602650 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7603376-7603481 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7603376-7603481 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7603670-7603925 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7603670-7603925 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7604423-7604678 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7604423-7604678 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7604861-7604990 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7604861 -7604990 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7605581-7605785 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7605581 -7605785 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 7605911-7606073 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 760591 1 -7606073 bp Feature: gene Location: 8773678-8774196 bp Feature: gene Location: 8774448-8775188 bp Feature: gene Location: 8775610-8776650 bp Ori: VTS00414.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 8775820-8776408 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 8775820-8776408 bp Feature: gene Location: 8776625-8777107 bp Ori: VTS00417.1 Feature: domain Description: HRDC Location: 8776865-8777063 bp Feature: domain Description: HRDC Location: 8776865-8777063 bp Feature: gene Location: 8777287-8781591 bp Ori: VTS00420.1 Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8777656-8778511 bp Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8777656-877851 1 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF4062 Location: 8778610-8778856 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF4062 Location: 877861 0-8778856 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8780872-8781568 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8780872-8781 568 bp Feature: gene Location: 8801785-8802609 bp Feature: gene Location: 8803128-8803814 bp Ori: VTS00492.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF1016_N Location: 8803134-8803527 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF1 01 6_N Location: 88031 34-8803527 bp Feature: gene Location: 8804125-8805909 bp Ori: VTS00495.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 8804386-8805181 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 8804386-88051 81 bp Feature: domain Description: Intron_maturas2 Location: 8805295-8805526 bp Feature: domain Description: Intron_maturas2 Location: 8805295-8805526 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 8805712-8805865 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 880571 2-8805865 bp Feature: gene Location: 8805910-8806512 bp Ori: VTS00498.1 Feature: domain Description: YhcG_C Location: 8806012-8806441 bp Feature: domain Description: YhcG_C Location: 880601 2-8806441 bp Feature: gene Location: 8806858-8807136 bp Feature: gene Location: 8955084-8957186 bp Ori: VTS00942.1 Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8955453-8955693 bp Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8955453-8955693 bp Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8955831-8956341 bp Feature: domain Description: STKc_PknB_like Location: 8955831 -8956341 bp Feature: domain Description: TPR Location: 8956509-8956830 bp Feature: domain Description: TPR Location: 8956509-8956830 bp Feature: gene Location: 8957183-8957752 bp Ori: VTS00945.1 Feature: domain Description: sigma70-ECF Location: 8957246-8957723 bp Feature: domain Description: sigma70-ECF Location: 8957246-8957723 bp Feature: gene Location: 8958098-8959027 bp Ori: VTS00948.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 8958299-8958827 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 8958299-8958827 bp Feature: gene Location: 8959030-8959764 bp Ori: VTS00951.1 Feature: domain Description: SPFH_eoslipins_u2 Location: 8959090-8959711 bp Feature: domain Description: SPFH_eoslipins_u2 Location: 8959090-895971 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 8960085-8960348 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-Retrons, PQQ_2 (pfam13360), CVT17 (COG5153), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), DDE_Tnp_IS66 (pfam03050), DUF1573 (pfam07610), AmyAc_arch_bac_plant_AmyA (cd11314), PQQ_3 (pfam13570), YfmG (COG1262)
HEAT_2 (pfam13646), HEAT (sd00044), Aldo_ket_red (pfam00248), Trypsin_2 (pfam13365), TPR (smart00028), WcaJ_sugtrans (TIGR03023), LRR_RI (smart00368), Pan_kinase (pfam03309), trmE (PRK05291), WD40 (smart00320)
RVT-DGRs, HRDC (smart00341), STKc_PknB_like (cd14014), DUF4062 (pfam13271), DUF1016_N (pfam17761), Intron_maturas2 (pfam01348), HNHc (smart00507), YhcG_C, sigma70-ECF (TIGR02937), SPFH_eoslipins_u2 (cd13438)