
myRT report for GCA_000457775.1_Esch_coli_HVH_121_4-6877826_V1

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Seq: KE699960.1 Escherichia coli HVH 121 (4-6877826) genomic scaffold acYyO-supercont1.3, whole genome shotgun sequence (462026 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 51483-59447 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [51483, 59560] DUF932 RVT-Retrons autotrans_barl AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA AIDA Feature: gene Location: 51483-52190 bp Feature: gene Location: 52865-53686 bp Ori: EQR37431.1 Feature: domain Description: DUF932 Location: 52976-53651 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF932 Location: 52976-53651 bp Feature: gene Location: 53937-55661 bp Ori: EQR37432.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 54075-54699 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 54075-54699 bp Feature: gene Location: 56305-56631 bp Ori: EQR37433.1 Feature: domain Description: autotrans_barl Location: 56326-56629 bp Feature: domain Description: autotrans_barl Location: 56326-56629 bp Feature: gene Location: 56660-59560 bp Ori: EQR37434.1 Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 56798-56909 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 56798-56909 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57026-57125 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57026-571 25 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57155-57299 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 571 55-57299 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57344-57464 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57344-57464 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57554-57734 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57554-57734 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57845-57998 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 57845-57998 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58046-58232 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58046-58232 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58328-58511 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58328-5851 1 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58619-58715 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 5861 9-5871 5 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58763-58886 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58763-58886 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58922-59108 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 58922-591 08 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 59117-59270 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 591 1 7-59270 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 59312-59447 bp Feature: domain Description: AIDA Location: 5931 2-59447 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT DUF932 (pfam06067), RVT-Retrons, autotrans_barl (TIGR01414), AIDA (pfam16168)

Seq: KE699959.1 Escherichia coli HVH 121 (4-6877826) genomic scaffold acYyO-supercont1.2, whole genome shotgun sequence (2322385 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 395929-403425 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [395929, 403439] Phage_GPA RVT-AbiP2 Q P Feature: gene Location: 395929-398205 bp Ori: EQR44182.1 Feature: domain Description: Phage_GPA Location: 396328-397315 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_GPA Location: 39632 8-397315 bp Feature: gene Location: 398309-398527 bp Feature: gene Location: 398693-400237 bp Ori: EQR44184.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 399110-399563 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 399110-399563 bp Feature: gene Location: 400633-401667 bp Ori: EQR44185.1 Feature: domain Description: Q Location: 400636-401662 bp Feature: domain Description: Q Location: 400636-401662 bp Feature: gene Location: 401667-403439 bp Ori: EQR44186.1 Feature: domain Description: P Location: 401694-403425 bp Feature: domain Description: P Location: 401694-40342 5 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Phage_GPA (pfam05840), RVT-AbiP2, Q (PHA02536), P (PHA02535)

Seq: KE699958.1 Escherichia coli HVH 121 (4-6877826) genomic scaffold acYyO-supercont1.12, whole genome shotgun sequence (140267 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 78168-83020 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [78168, 83020] COG4584 PRK09183 RVT-GII GIIM PHA02517 Feature: gene Location: 78168-79190 bp Ori: EQR27942.1 Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 78171-79041 bp Feature: domain Description: COG4584 Location: 78171-79041 bp Feature: gene Location: 79190-79969 bp Ori: EQR27943.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK09183 Location: 79196-79967 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK09183 Location: 79196-79967 bp Feature: gene Location: 80615-82138 bp Ori: EQR27944.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 80888-81620 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 80888-81620 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 81695-81893 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 81695-81893 bp Feature: gene Location: 82255-82701 bp Ori: EQR27945.1 Feature: domain Description: PHA02517 Location: 82258-82699 bp Feature: domain Description: PHA02517 Location: 82258-82699 bp Feature: gene Location: 82583-83020 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT COG4584 (Transposase ), PRK09183 (transposase/IS protein; Provisional), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), PHA02517 (putative transposase OrfB; Reviewed)

Seq: KE699961.1 Escherichia coli HVH 121 (4-6877826) genomic scaffold acYyO-supercont1.4, whole genome shotgun sequence (964352 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 756875-760757 bp 2 RT 2: 811454-825510 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [756875, 760762] dut slmA RVT-Retrons pyrE rph Neighborhood of RT #2 [811454, 825590] TnpB_IS66 LZ_Tnp_IS66 zf-IS66 DDE_Tnp_IS66 DDE_Tnp_IS66_C RVT-GII GIIM RVT-GII CdiI_3 Haemagg_act FHA_bHelix fil_hemag_20aa FHA_bHelix fil_hemag_20aa FHA_bHelix fil_hemag_20aa FHA_bHelix FHA_bHelix FHA_bHelix Fil_haemagg_2 Fil_haemagg_2 Fil_haemagg_2 Fil_haemagg_2 PT-VENN Ntox28 Feature: gene Location: 756875-757333 bp Ori: EQR32930.1 Feature: domain Description: dut Location: 756881-757328 bp Feature: domain Description: dut Location: 756881-757328 bp Feature: gene Location: 757440-758036 bp Ori: EQR32931.1 Feature: domain Description: slmA Location: 757446-758022 bp Feature: domain Description: slmA Location: 7574 4 6-758022 bp Feature: gene Location: 758082-759041 bp Ori: EQR32932.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 758217-758766 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 758217-758766 bp Feature: gene Location: 759339-759980 bp Ori: EQR32933.1 Feature: domain Description: pyrE Location: 759342-759975 bp Feature: domain Description: pyrE Location: 75934 2-759975 bp Feature: gene Location: 760046-760762 bp Ori: EQR32934.1 Feature: domain Description: rph Location: 760049-760757 bp Feature: domain Description: rph Location: 76004 9-760757 bp Feature: gene Location: 811454-811804 bp Ori: EQR32979.1 Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 811481-811772 bp Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 8114 81-811772 bp Feature: gene Location: 811835-813448 bp Ori: EQR32980.1 Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 812015-812225 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 812015-812225 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 812249-812381 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 81224 9-812381 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 812426-813293 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 8124 26-813293 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 813317-813425 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 813317-8134 25 bp Feature: gene Location: 813680-814492 bp Ori: EQR32981.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 813689-814139 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 813689-814 139 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 814190-814355 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 814 190-814 355 bp Feature: gene Location: 814489-814971 bp Ori: EQR32982.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 814810-814897 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 814 810-814 897 bp Feature: gene Location: 815419-815805 bp Ori: EQR32983.1 Feature: domain Description: CdiI_3 Location: 815443-815719 bp Feature: domain Description: CdiI_3 Location: 8154 4 3-815719 bp Feature: gene Location: 815802-825590 bp Ori: EQR32984.1 Feature: domain Description: Haemagg_act Location: 815931-816300 bp Feature: domain Description: Haemagg_act Location: 815931-816300 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 816687-817260 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 816687-817260 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 817263-817368 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 817263-817368 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 817638-818109 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 817638-818109 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 818193-818307 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 818193-818307 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 818505-819078 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 818505-819078 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 819084-819195 bp Feature: domain Description: fil_hemag_20aa Location: 819084 -819195 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 819360-819888 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 819360-819888 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 820248-820395 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 82024 8-820395 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 821412-822015 bp Feature: domain Description: FHA_bHelix Location: 8214 12-822015 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 822102-822270 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 822102-822270 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 822300-822516 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 822300-822516 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 822546-822936 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 82254 6-822936 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 823233-823755 bp Feature: domain Description: Fil_haemagg_2 Location: 823233-823755 bp Feature: domain Description: PT-VENN Location: 824778-824928 bp Feature: domain Description: PT-VENN Location: 824 778-824 928 bp Feature: domain Description: Ntox28 Location: 825303-825510 bp Feature: domain Description: Ntox28 Location: 825303-825510 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT dut (TIGR00576), slmA (PRK09480), RVT-Retrons, pyrE (TIGR00336), rph (PRK00173), TnpB_IS66 (pfam05717), LZ_Tnp_IS66 (pfam13007), zf-IS66 (pfam13005), DDE_Tnp_IS66 (pfam03050), DDE_Tnp_IS66_C (pfam13817)
RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), CdiI_3 (pfam18616), Haemagg_act (smart00912), FHA_bHelix (sd00046), fil_hemag_20aa (TIGR01731), Fil_haemagg_2 (pfam13332), PT-VENN (pfam04829), Ntox28 (pfam15605)