
myRT report for GCA_000995045.1_ASM99504v1

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Seq: LBWV01000008.1 Candidatus Daviesbacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_39_33 UT45_C0008, whole genome shotgun sequence (74380 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 33173-37922 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [33173, 37922] purP AdSS RVT-DGRs Avd_like Feature: gene Location: 33173-34189 bp Ori: KKR16166.1 Feature: domain Description: purP Location: 33185-34184 bp Feature: domain Description: purP Location: 331 85-341 84 bp Feature: gene Location: 34243-35511 bp Ori: KKR16167.1 Feature: domain Description: AdSS Location: 34246-35503 bp Feature: domain Description: AdSS Location: 34246-35503 bp Feature: gene Location: 35501-36358 bp Ori: KKR16168.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 35585-36209 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 35585-36209 bp Feature: gene Location: 36467-36877 bp Ori: KKR16169.1 Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 36518-36830 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 3651 8-36830 bp Feature: gene Location: 37350-37922 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT purP (PRK13278), AdSS (cd03108), RVT-DGRs, Avd_like (cd16376)

Seq: LBWV01000014.1 Candidatus Daviesbacteria bacterium GW2011_GWA2_39_33 UT45_C0014, whole genome shotgun sequence (17106 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 11121-17106 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [11121, 17106] RVT-UG19 Feature: gene Location: 11121-11330 bp Feature: gene Location: 11327-11575 bp Feature: gene Location: 11672-13930 bp Ori: KKR15758.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG19 Note: UG19 RT Location: 11894-12503 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG19 Note: UG19 RT Location: 11894-12 503 bp Feature: gene Location: 14028-17106 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-UG19