
myRT report for GCA_001350355.1_8616_4_40

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Seq: CGSD01000001.1 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi genome assembly 8616_4#40, scaffold ERS168216SCcontig000001, whole genome shotgun sequence (468680 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 3474-9584 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [3474, 9613] Mrr_cat Inovirus_Gp2 RVT-GII RT_Bac_retron_I GIIM LZ_Tnp_IS66 zf-IS66 DDE_Tnp_IS66 TnpB_IS66 Feature: gene Location: 3474-4334 bp Ori: CIC22323.1 Feature: domain Description: Mrr_cat Location: 3909-4218 bp Feature: domain Description: Mrr_cat Location: 3909-421 8 bp Feature: gene Location: 4662-5393 bp Ori: CIC22351.1 Feature: domain Description: Inovirus_Gp2 Location: 4707-5361 bp Feature: domain Description: Inovirus_Gp2 Location: 4707-5361 bp Feature: gene Location: 6218-7345 bp Ori: CIC22378.1 Gene: ltrA Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 6419-6806 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 641 9-6806 bp Feature: domain Description: RT_Bac_retron_I Location: 6806-6980 bp Feature: domain Description: RT_Bac_retron_I Location: 6806-6980 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7046-7271 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 7046-7271 bp Feature: gene Location: 7807-9246 bp Ori: CIC22424.1 Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 7945-8170 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 7945-81 70 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 8191-8323 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 81 91 -8323 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 8368-9205 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 8368-9205 bp Feature: gene Location: 9266-9613 bp Ori: CIC22463.1 Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 9293-9584 bp Feature: domain Description: TnpB_IS66 Location: 9293-9584 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Mrr_cat (pfam04471), Inovirus_Gp2 (pfam11726), RVT-GII, RT_Bac_retron_I (cd01646), GIIM (pfam08388), LZ_Tnp_IS66 (pfam13007), zf-IS66 (pfam13005), DDE_Tnp_IS66 (pfam03050), TnpB_IS66 (pfam05717)

Seq: CGSD01000031.1 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi genome assembly 8616_4#40, scaffold ERS168216SCcontig000031, whole genome shotgun sequence (43393 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 38201-43010 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [38201, 43010] type_I_sec_LssB type_I_hlyD type_I_hlyD RVT-UG11 Feature: gene Location: 38201-40381 bp Ori: CIE07490.1 Gene: apxIB_2 Feature: domain Description: type_I_sec_LssB Location: 38261-40334 bp Feature: domain Description: type_I_sec_LssB Location: 382 61-40334 bp Feature: gene Location: 40362-41552 bp Ori: CIE07522.1 Gene: prsE_2 Feature: domain Description: type_I_hlyD Location: 40443-40887 bp Feature: domain Description: type_I_hlyD Location: 40443-40887 bp Feature: domain Description: type_I_hlyD Location: 40926-41550 bp Feature: domain Description: type_I_hlyD Location: 4092 6-41550 bp Feature: gene Location: 42095-42868 bp Ori: CIE07567.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG11 Note: UG11 RT Location: 42230-42683 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG11 Note: UG11 RT Location: 42 2 30-42 683 bp Feature: gene Location: 42837-43010 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT type_I_sec_LssB (TIGR03375), type_I_hlyD (TIGR01843), RVT-UG11