
myRT report for GCA_001899645.1_ASM189964v1

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Seq: MKVV01000053.1 Pseudonocardia sp. 73-21 SCNpilot_cont_1000_p_scaffold_393, whole genome shotgun sequence (136772 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 73840-79664 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [73840, 79756] Cas_Cas02710 CRISPR_Cas6 RVT-CRISPR Cas1_I-II-III Cas2_I_II_III OmpA Feature: gene Location: 73840-74646 bp Ori: OJY45954.1 Feature: domain Description: Cas_Cas02710 Location: 74449-74599 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas_Cas0271 0 Location: 74449-74599 bp Feature: gene Location: 74660-75340 bp Ori: OJY45955.1 Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas6 Location: 74972-75326 bp Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas6 Location: 74972-75326 bp Feature: gene Location: 76339-78039 bp Ori: OJY45956.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 76507-76924 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 76507-76924 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas1_I-II-III Location: 77050-78001 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas1 _I-II-III Location: 77050-78001 bp Feature: gene Location: 78036-78326 bp Ori: OJY45957.1 Feature: domain Description: Cas2_I_II_III Location: 78054-78288 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas2_I_II_III Location: 78054-78288 bp Feature: gene Location: 78542-79756 bp Ori: OJY45958.1 Feature: domain Description: OmpA Location: 79385-79664 bp Feature: domain Description: OmpA Location: 79385-79664 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Cas_Cas02710 (pfam09670), CRISPR_Cas6 (pfam10040), RVT-CRISPR, Cas1_I-II-III (cl00656), Cas2_I_II_III (cl11442), OmpA (pfam00691)

Seq: MKVV01000070.1 Pseudonocardia sp. 73-21 SCNpilot_cont_1000_p_scaffold_525, whole genome shotgun sequence (58105 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 50669-56610 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [50669, 56672] TIGR02611 Phage_int_SAM_3 INT_ICEBs1_C_like RVT-GII Phage_int_SAM_1 INT_RitC_C_like INT_RitB_C_like Feature: gene Location: 50669-51079 bp Ori: OJY42734.1 Feature: domain Description: TIGR02611 Location: 50711-51008 bp Feature: domain Description: TIGR02 611 Location: 50711-51008 bp Feature: gene Location: 51317-52513 bp Ori: OJY42716.1 Feature: domain Description: Phage_int_SAM_3 Location: 51497-51650 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_int_SAM_3 Location: 51497-51650 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_ICEBs1_C_like Location: 51860-52373 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_ICEBs1_C_like Location: 51860-52 373 bp Feature: gene Location: 54045-54461 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 54192-54462 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 54192 -54462 bp Feature: gene Location: 54692-55696 bp Ori: OJY42717.1 Feature: domain Description: Phage_int_SAM_1 Location: 54740-54980 bp Feature: domain Description: Phage_int_SAM_1 Location: 54740-54980 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_RitC_C_like Location: 55070-55616 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_RitC_C_like Location: 55070-55616 bp Feature: gene Location: 55686-56672 bp Ori: OJY42718.1 Feature: domain Description: INT_RitB_C_like Location: 56019-56610 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_RitB_C_like Location: 56019-56610 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT TIGR02611 (TIGR02611 family protein), Phage_int_SAM_3 (pfam14659), INT_ICEBs1_C_like (cd01189), RVT-GII, Phage_int_SAM_1 (pfam02899), INT_RitC_C_like (cd01182), INT_RitB_C_like (cd00797)