
myRT report for GCA_002730895.1_ASM273089v1

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Seq: PCBC01000008.1 Cupriavidus sp. isolate NP124 75396, whole genome shotgun sequence (118400 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 103104-109217 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [103104, 109217] Tra5 RVT-GII RVT-GII GIIM IS5 Feature: gene Location: 103104-104783 bp Feature: gene Location: 104226-105317 bp Feature: domain Description: Tra5 Location: 104466-105144 bp Feature: domain Description: Tra5 Location: 1 04466-1 051 44 bp Feature: gene Location: 105314-106504 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 105458-106145 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 05458-1 061 45 bp Feature: gene Location: 106741-107985 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 106945-107602 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1 06945-1 07602 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 107680-107902 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 1 07680-1 07902 bp Feature: gene Location: 108007-108519 bp Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 108127-108505 bp Feature: domain Description: IS5 Location: 1 081 27-1 08505 bp Feature: gene Location: 108996-109217 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Tra5 (COG2801), RVT-GII, GIIM (pfam08388), IS5 (COG3039)

Seq: PCBC01000011.1 Cupriavidus sp. isolate NP124 75773, whole genome shotgun sequence (220920 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 57845-63055 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [57845, 63060] PRK10888 RVT-GII YkfC HNHc rplU Feature: gene Location: 57845-58204 bp Feature: gene Location: 58376-59353 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10888 Location: 58415-59348 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10888 Location: 58415-59348 bp Feature: gene Location: 59469-60953 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 59598-60246 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 59598-602 46 bp Feature: domain Description: YkfC Location: 60378-60600 bp Feature: domain Description: YkfC Location: 60378-60600 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 60756-60915 bp Feature: domain Description: HNHc Note: nucleases Location: 60756-60915 bp Feature: gene Location: 62362-62535 bp Feature: gene Location: 62749-63060 bp Feature: domain Description: rplU Location: 62752-63055 bp Feature: domain Description: rplU Location: 62 752 -63055 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PRK10888 (octaprenyl diphosphate synthase; Provisional), RVT-GII, YkfC (COG3344), HNHc (smart00507), rplU (PRK05573)

Seq: PCBC01000027.1 Cupriavidus sp. isolate NP124 79485, whole genome shotgun sequence (7710 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 5057-7702 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [5057, 7707] Tra5 RVT-GII Feature: gene Location: 5057-6736 bp Feature: gene Location: 6179-7270 bp Feature: domain Description: Tra5 Location: 6419-7097 bp Feature: domain Description: Tra5 Location: 6419-7097 bp Feature: gene Location: 7267-7707 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7411-7702 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 7411-7702 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Tra5 (COG2801), RVT-GII

Seq: PCBC01000049.1 Cupriavidus sp. isolate NP124 82491, whole genome shotgun sequence (20470 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 18612-20355 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [18612, 20360] SapB RVT-GII RVT-GII Feature: gene Location: 18612-18782 bp Feature: gene Location: 18926-19387 bp Feature: domain Description: SapB Location: 18995-19373 bp Feature: domain Description: SapB Location: 18995-19373 bp Feature: gene Location: 19650-19952 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 19656-19839 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 19656-19839 bp Feature: gene Location: 19983-20360 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 20208-20355 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 20208-20355 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT SapB (smart00741), RVT-GII