
myRT report for GCA_002751995.1_ASM275199v1

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Seq: MNKW01000018.1 Erwinia sp. OLCASP19 NODE_5_length_161490_cov_24.8218_ID_9, whole genome shotgun sequence (161490 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 5948-12621 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [5948, 12734] WecH FimA RVT-UG4 FimD FimC Feature: gene Location: 5948-6940 bp Ori: PIJ81869.1 Feature: domain Description: WecH Location: 5951-6938 bp Feature: domain Description: WecH Location: 5951 -6938 bp Feature: gene Location: 7388-8896 bp Ori: PIJ81870.1 Feature: domain Description: FimA Location: 8561-8876 bp Feature: domain Description: FimA Location: 8561 -8876 bp Feature: gene Location: 8893-9258 bp Ori: PIJ81871.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 8896-9172 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 8896-91 72 bp Feature: gene Location: 9301-11883 bp Ori: PIJ81872.1 Feature: domain Description: FimD Location: 9331-11881 bp Feature: domain Description: FimD Location: 9331 -1 1 881 bp Feature: gene Location: 11883-12734 bp Ori: PIJ81873.1 Feature: domain Description: FimC Location: 11910-12621 bp Feature: domain Description: FimC Location: 1 1 91 0-1 2621 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT WecH (COG3274), FimA (pfam16970), RVT-UG4, FimD (COG3188), FimC (COG3121)

Seq: MNKW01000007.1 Erwinia sp. OLCASP19 NODE_10_length_110100_cov_25.7475_ID_19, whole genome shotgun sequence (110100 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 73783-82520 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [73783, 82588] PRK10995 RVT-UG4 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 LysM IAT_beta Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Invasin_D3 Feature: gene Location: 73783-74451 bp Ori: PIJ84277.1 Feature: domain Description: PRK10995 Location: 73786-74440 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK10995 Location: 73786-74440 bp Feature: gene Location: 74814-75131 bp Feature: gene Location: 75126-75422 bp Ori: PIJ84279.1 Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 75129-75282 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 7512 9-752 82 bp Feature: gene Location: 75666-79916 bp Ori: PIJ84280.1 Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 75672-75933 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 75672 -75933 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 75960-76230 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 75960-762 30 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 76308-76641 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 76308-76641 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 76659-76989 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 76659-76989 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77016-77319 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77016-77319 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77355-77637 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77355-77637 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77664-77937 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 77664-77937 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78039-78285 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78039-782 85 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78333-78579 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78333-78579 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78675-78936 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78675-78936 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78987-79260 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 78987-792 60 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 79290-79512 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 792 90-79512 bp Feature: gene Location: 79913-82588 bp Ori: PIJ84281.1 Feature: domain Description: LysM Location: 80096-80234 bp Feature: domain Description: LysM Location: 80096-802 34 bp Feature: domain Description: IAT_beta Location: 80333-81152 bp Feature: domain Description: IAT_beta Location: 80333-81152 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 81488-81794 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 81488-81794 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 81836-82148 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 81836-82 148 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 82169-82520 bp Feature: domain Description: Invasin_D3 Location: 82 169-82 52 0 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PRK10995 (MarC family NAAT transporter), RVT-UG4, Invasin_D3 (pfam09134), LysM (smart00257), IAT_beta (pfam11924)