
myRT report for GCA_009737195.1_ASM973719v1

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Seq: WOVH01000002.1 Pseudomonas sp. TDA1 NODE_2_length_348864_cov_175.361117, whole genome shotgun sequence (348864 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 106208-111529 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [106208, 111543] PRK14997 FRG RVT-UG17 SLATT_5 InsE Feature: gene Location: 106208-107107 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK14997 Location: 106214-107090 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 4997 Location: 1 0621 4-1 07090 bp Feature: gene Location: 107267-108763 bp Feature: domain Description: FRG Location: 107348-107642 bp Feature: domain Description: FRG Location: 1 07348-1 07642 bp Feature: gene Location: 108936-110300 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG17 Note: UG17 RT Location: 109164-109767 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG1 7 Note: UG1 7 RT Location: 1 091 64-1 09767 bp Feature: gene Location: 110297-110863 bp Feature: domain Description: SLATT_5 Location: 110306-110831 bp Feature: domain Description: SLATT_5 Location: 1 1 0306-1 1 0831 bp Feature: gene Location: 111184-111543 bp Feature: domain Description: InsE Location: 111265-111529 bp Feature: domain Description: InsE Location: 1 1 1 265-1 1 1 529 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PRK14997 (LysR family transcriptional regulator; Provisional), FRG (smart00901), RVT-UG17, SLATT_5 (pfam18160), InsE (COG2963)

Seq: WOVH01000031.1 Pseudomonas sp. TDA1 NODE_31_length_57653_cov_179.377287, whole genome shotgun sequence (57653 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 22-7538 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [22, 7555] RVT-GII RVT-GII PAAR_RHS YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x YD_repeat_2x Rhs_assc_core DcrB Feature: gene Location: 22-276 bp Feature: gene Location: 572-1324 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1076-1319 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1076-1319 bp Feature: gene Location: 1424-1960 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1427-1715 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 142 7-1715 bp Feature: gene Location: 2503-7071 bp Feature: domain Description: PAAR_RHS Location: 2542-3232 bp Feature: domain Description: PAAR_RHS Location: 2 542 -32 32 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 3973-4090 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 3973-4090 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 4381-4489 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 4381-4489 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 4519-4624 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 4519-462 4 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 4690-4777 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 4690-4777 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 4882-4999 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 4882 -4999 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 5005-5113 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 5005-5113 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 5251-5353 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 52 51-5353 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 5383-5485 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 5383-5485 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2x Location: 6055-6145 bp Feature: domain Description: YD_repeat_2 x Location: 6055-6145 bp Feature: domain Description: Rhs_assc_core Location: 6472-6709 bp Feature: domain Description: Rhs_assc_core Location: 6472 -6709 bp Feature: gene Location: 7124-7555 bp Feature: domain Description: DcrB Location: 7172-7538 bp Feature: domain Description: DcrB Location: 7172 -7538 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-GII, PAAR_RHS (cd14742), YD_repeat_2x (TIGR01643), Rhs_assc_core (TIGR03696), DcrB (pfam08786)