
myRT report for GCA_012935325.2_ASM1293532v2

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Seq: JABBYG020000001.1 Bacillus sp. SPL91 NODE_1, whole genome shotgun sequence (1141833 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 418959-423316 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [418959, 423327] DUF1801 RVT-GII MFS_NepI_like GH43_XynB-like GH43_C2 Feature: gene Location: 418959-419126 bp Feature: gene Location: 419450-419824 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF1801 Location: 419543-419810 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF1 801 Location: 41 9543-41 981 0 bp Feature: gene Location: 420377-421129 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 420677-420995 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 420677-420995 bp Feature: gene Location: 421117-421278 bp Feature: domain Description: MFS_NepI_like Location: 421120-421246 bp Feature: domain Description: MFS_NepI_like Location: 421 1 20-421 246 bp Feature: gene Location: 421837-423327 bp Feature: domain Description: GH43_XynB-like Location: 421852-422683 bp Feature: domain Description: GH43_XynB-like Location: 421 852-422683 bp Feature: domain Description: GH43_C2 Location: 422776-423316 bp Feature: domain Description: GH43_C2 Location: 422776-42331 6 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT DUF1801 (pfam08818), RVT-GII, MFS_NepI_like (cd17324), GH43_XynB-like (cd18617), GH43_C2 (pfam17851)

Seq: JABBYG020000028.1 Bacillus sp. SPL91 NODE_28, whole genome shotgun sequence (61986 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 34815-38476 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [34815, 38490] WYL PRK02268 RVT-GII BetA BetA Feature: gene Location: 34815-34961 bp Feature: domain Description: WYL Location: 34830-34953 bp Feature: domain Description: WYL Location: 34830-34953 bp Feature: gene Location: 35167-35673 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK02268 Location: 35224-35629 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK02 2 68 Location: 352 2 4-3562 9 bp Feature: gene Location: 35805-35987 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 35811-35898 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 35811-35898 bp Feature: gene Location: 36103-36783 bp Feature: gene Location: 36784-38490 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 36796-37741 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 36796-37741 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 38224-38476 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 382 2 4-38476 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT WYL (pfam13280), PRK02268 (hypothetical protein; Provisional), RVT-GII, BetA (COG2303)

Seq: JABBYG020000005.1 Bacillus sp. SPL91 NODE_5, whole genome shotgun sequence (458624 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 180821-184372 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [180821, 184464] PtsA RVT-UG2 INT_ICEBs1_C_like Feature: gene Location: 180821-182545 bp Feature: domain Description: PtsA Location: 180842-182540 bp Feature: domain Description: PtsA Location: 180842-182540 bp Feature: gene Location: 182552-182725 bp Feature: gene Location: 182817-183308 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 182841-183231 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG2 Note: UG2 RT Location: 182841-183 23 1 bp Feature: gene Location: 183487-183618 bp Feature: gene Location: 183952-184464 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_ICEBs1_C_like Location: 183958-184372 bp Feature: domain Description: INT_ICEBs1_C_like Location: 183 958-1843 72 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PtsA (COG1080), RVT-UG2, INT_ICEBs1_C_like (cd01189)