
myRT report for GCA_013336625.1_ASM1333662v1

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Seq: JABUMU010000010.1 Myxococcus sp. CA033 NODE_10_length_286123_cov_19.4276, whole genome shotgun sequence (286123 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 7271-20054 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [7271, 20116] BetA BetA BetA DAP2 RVT-Retrons WD40 WD40 WD40 KOG0268 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 HEAT_2 Feature: gene Location: 7271-8965 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 7445-7952 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 7445-7952 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 8093-8366 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 8093-8366 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 8531-8945 bp Feature: domain Description: BetA Location: 8531 -8945 bp Feature: gene Location: 8964-9869 bp Feature: domain Description: DAP2 Location: 9096-9666 bp Feature: domain Description: DAP2 Location: 9096-9666 bp Feature: gene Location: 9879-11336 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 10437-11079 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1 0437-1 1 079 bp Feature: gene Location: 11745-13589 bp Feature: gene Location: 13586-20116 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 13850-13946 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 1 3850-1 3946 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 13964-14066 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 1 3964-1 4066 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 14108-14195 bp Feature: domain Description: WD40 Location: 1 41 08-1 41 95 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG0268 Location: 14318-14540 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG0268 Location: 1 431 8-1 4540 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 14612-14822 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 461 2-1 4822 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 15419-15668 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 541 9-1 5668 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 15713-15866 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 571 3-1 5866 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 15908-16112 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 5908-1 61 1 2 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 16172-16469 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 1 61 72-1 6469 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 16523-16730 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 6523-1 6730 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 17363-17549 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 7363-1 7549 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 17597-17801 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 7597-1 7801 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 17960-18200 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 7960-1 8200 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 18785-19028 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 8785-1 9028 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 19535-19760 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 9535-1 9760 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 19901-20054 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 1 9901 -20054 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT WD40 (smart00320), KOG0268 (KOG0268, Sof1-like rRNA processing protein (contains WD40 repeats) ), HEAT_2 (pfam13646), HEAT (sd00044), BetA (COG2303), DAP2 (COG1506), RVT-Retrons

Seq: JABUMU010000002.1 Myxococcus sp. CA033 NODE_2_length_1105614_cov_18.4591, whole genome shotgun sequence (1105614 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1096809-1103015 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1096809, 1103074] RVT-Retrons UPF0227 Feature: gene Location: 1096809-1098710 bp Feature: gene Location: 1098707-1100350 bp Feature: gene Location: 1100516-1101793 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1100975-1101587 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1100975-1101587 bp Feature: gene Location: 1101936-1102286 bp Feature: gene Location: 1102388-1103074 bp Feature: domain Description: UPF0227 Location: 1102436-1103015 bp Feature: domain Description: UPF02 2 7 Location: 1102 436-1103015 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-Retrons, UPF0227 (pfam05728)

Seq: JABUMU010000003.1 Myxococcus sp. CA033 NODE_3_length_637313_cov_18.5927, whole genome shotgun sequence (637313 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 79381-90347 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [79381, 90355] HEAT_2 HEAT HEAT_2 HEAT_2 Aldo_ket_red RVT-Retrons rpt_mate_G_obs LRR_RI RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 RCC1 Feature: gene Location: 79381-80013 bp Feature: gene Location: 80050-83316 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 80158-80407 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 80158-80407 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 80443-80506 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT Location: 80443 -80506 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 81163-81346 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 81163 -813 46 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 81490-81823 bp Feature: domain Description: HEAT_2 Location: 81490-81823 bp Feature: domain Description: Aldo_ket_red Location: 82441-83164 bp Feature: domain Description: Aldo_ket_red Location: 82441-83 164 bp Feature: gene Location: 83532-84950 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 84132-84723 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 8413 2-84723 bp Feature: gene Location: 84947-85921 bp Feature: domain Description: rpt_mate_G_obs Location: 84959-85073 bp Feature: domain Description: rpt_mate_G_obs Location: 84959-85073 bp Feature: domain Description: LRR_RI Location: 85367-85853 bp Feature: domain Description: LRR_RI Location: 853 67-85853 bp Feature: gene Location: 85991-90355 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86201-86342 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86201-863 42 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86360-86492 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 863 60-86492 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86501-86642 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86501-86642 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86651-86792 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86651-86792 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86801-86918 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86801-86918 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86951-87092 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 86951-87092 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87101-87239 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87101-8723 9 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87251-87392 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87251-873 92 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87401-87542 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87401-87542 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87551-87692 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87551-87692 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87701-87842 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87701-87842 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87851-87992 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 87851-87992 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88001-88100 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88001-88100 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88151-88289 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88151-88289 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88301-88442 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 883 01-88442 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88451-88592 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88451-88592 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88601-88742 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88601-88742 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88751-88892 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88751-88892 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88901-89042 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 88901-89042 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89051-89192 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89051-89192 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89216-89354 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89216-893 54 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89366-89507 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 893 66-89507 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89516-89657 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89516-89657 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89666-89807 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89666-89807 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89816-89957 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89816-89957 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89966-90107 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 89966-90107 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 90116-90251 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 90116-90251 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 90260-90347 bp Feature: domain Description: RCC1 Location: 90260-903 47 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT HEAT_2 (pfam13646), HEAT (sd00044), Aldo_ket_red (pfam00248), RVT-Retrons, rpt_mate_G_obs (TIGR02996), LRR_RI (smart00368), RCC1 (pfam00415)

Seq: JABUMU010000004.1 Myxococcus sp. CA033 NODE_4_length_581560_cov_16.0201, whole genome shotgun sequence (581560 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 250798-254523 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [250798, 254523] RVT-Retrons Feature: gene Location: 250798-251001 bp Feature: gene Location: 251211-251534 bp Feature: gene Location: 251907-253235 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 252351-253005 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 252351-253005 bp Feature: gene Location: 253407-253967 bp Feature: gene Location: 253960-254523 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-Retrons