
myRT report for GCA_900444835.1_51699_D01

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Seq: UFRR01000003.1 (3531042 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 2186687-2191033 bp 2 RT 2: 2890590-2895639 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [2186687, 2191299] LZ_Tnp_IS66 zf-IS66 DDE_Tnp_IS66 RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM DDE_Tnp_IS66_C DDE_Tnp_1_5 Neighborhood of RT #2 [2890590, 2895659] secF DDE_Tnp_IS66_C RVT_N RVT-GII GIIM LZ_Tnp_IS66 zf-IS66 DDE_Tnp_IS66 Feature: gene Location: 2186687-2188066 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2186837-2187062 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 21 86837-21 87062 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 2187086-2187212 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 21 87086-21 8721 2 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2187254-2188046 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 21 87254-21 88046 bp Feature: gene Location: 2188393-2188560 bp Feature: gene Location: 2188607-2190283 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2188667-2188910 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 21 88667-21 8891 0 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2188955-2189591 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 21 88955-21 89591 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2189645-2189876 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 21 89645-21 89876 bp Feature: gene Location: 2190397-2190615 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 2190481-2190592 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 21 90481 -21 90592 bp Feature: gene Location: 2190643-2191299 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1_5 Location: 2190712-2191033 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 _5 Location: 21 9071 2-21 91 033 bp Feature: gene Location: 2890590-2891558 bp Feature: domain Description: secF Location: 2890650-2891508 bp Feature: domain Description: secF Location: 2890650-2891 508 bp Feature: gene Location: 2891689-2891907 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 2891773-2891884 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66_C Location: 2891 773-2891 884 bp Feature: gene Location: 2892021-2893697 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2892081-2892324 bp Feature: domain Description: RVT_N Location: 2892081 -2892324 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2892369-2893005 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2892369-2893005 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2893059-2893290 bp Feature: domain Description: GIIM Note: maturase Location: 2893059-2893290 bp Feature: gene Location: 2893725-2893904 bp Feature: gene Location: 2894238-2895659 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2894430-2894655 bp Feature: domain Description: LZ_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2894430-2894655 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 2894679-2894805 bp Feature: domain Description: zf-IS66 Location: 2894679-2894805 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2894847-2895639 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_IS66 Location: 2894847-2895639 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
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