
myRT report for GCA_900455085.1_31530_C01

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Seq: UGTZ01000001.1 Providencia rettgeri strain NCTC11801 genome assembly, contig: ERS513147SCcontig000001, whole genome shotgun sequence (4533778 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1097990-1101319 bp 2 RT 2: 1557515-1561622 bp 3 RT 3: 2969765-2972697 bp 4 RT 4: 2987521-2990816 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1097990, 1101372] RVT-Retrons HTH_XRE FIDO Neighborhood of RT #2 [1557515, 1561633] rve_2 RVT-AbiP2 RVT-AbiP2 KOG1651 Neighborhood of RT #3 [2969765, 2972697] RVT-GII RVT-GII Neighborhood of RT #4 [2987521, 2990816] PRK15240 RVT-UG4 Feature: gene Location: 1097990-1098631 bp Feature: gene Location: 1098682-1098813 bp Feature: gene Location: 1098816-1099331 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1098822-1099248 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 1 098822-1 099248 bp Feature: gene Location: 1099575-1099898 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_XRE Location: 1099587-1099752 bp Feature: domain Description: HTH_XRE Location: 1 099587-1 099752 bp Feature: gene Location: 1100755-1101372 bp Feature: domain Description: FIDO Location: 1100797-1101319 bp Feature: domain Description: FIDO Location: 1 1 00797-1 1 01 31 9 bp Feature: gene Location: 1557515-1557664 bp Feature: domain Description: rve_2 Location: 1557518-1557653 bp Feature: domain Description: rve_2 Location: 1 55751 8-1 557653 bp Feature: gene Location: 1558039-1559097 bp Feature: gene Location: 1559302-1559889 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 1559719-1559866 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 1 55971 9-1 559866 bp Feature: gene Location: 1559886-1560845 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 1559892-1560171 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-AbiP2 Note: AbiP2 RT Location: 1 559892-1 5601 71 bp Feature: gene Location: 1561067-1561264 bp Feature: gene Location: 1561424-1561633 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG1651 Location: 1561427-1561622 bp Feature: domain Description: KOG1 651 Location: 1 561 427-1 561 622 bp Feature: gene Location: 2969765-2969917 bp Feature: gene Location: 2970390-2970716 bp Feature: gene Location: 2970827-2971078 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2970836-2971064 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2970836-2971 064 bp Feature: gene Location: 2971097-2971546 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2971457-2971541 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 2971 457-2971 541 bp Feature: gene Location: 2971561-2971776 bp Feature: gene Location: 2972449-2972697 bp Feature: gene Location: 2987521-2988135 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK15240 Location: 2987524-2988103 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK1 5240 Location: 2987524-29881 03 bp Feature: gene Location: 2988433-2988627 bp Feature: gene Location: 2988792-2989916 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 2989176-2989605 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 29891 76-2989605 bp Feature: gene Location: 2989985-2990209 bp Feature: gene Location: 2990490-2990816 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT RVT-Retrons, HTH_XRE (smart00530), FIDO (COG2184), rve_2 (pfam13333), RVT-AbiP2, KOG1651 (KOG1651, Glutathione peroxidase ), RVT-GII, PRK15240 (resistance to complement killing; Provisional), RVT-UG4