
myRT report for GCA_903960435.1_freshwater_MAG_---_Loc080925-7m_bin-0257

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Seq: CAJCAU010000036.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:036/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (6334 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 309-5912 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [309, 5912] PLDc_Nuc_like_unchar2 DnaJ menA_cyano-plnt menA_cyano-plnt RVT-Retrons Feature: gene Location: 309-2261 bp Feature: domain Description: PLDc_Nuc_like_unchar2 Location: 321-678 bp Feature: domain Description: PLDc_Nuc_like_unchar2 Location: 321 -678 bp Feature: domain Description: DnaJ Location: 1323-1443 bp Feature: domain Description: DnaJ Location: 1 323-1 443 bp Feature: gene Location: 2318-3853 bp Feature: domain Description: menA_cyano-plnt Location: 2621-2744 bp Feature: domain Description: menA_cyano-plnt Location: 2621 -2744 bp Feature: domain Description: menA_cyano-plnt Location: 2876-2990 bp Feature: domain Description: menA_cyano-plnt Location: 2876-2990 bp Feature: gene Location: 4002-5387 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 4278-4914 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-Retrons Note: Retrons RT Location: 4278-491 4 bp Feature: gene Location: 5553-5699 bp Feature: gene Location: 5775-5912 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT PLDc_Nuc_like_unchar2 (cd09174), DnaJ (smart00271), menA_cyano-plnt (TIGR02235), RVT-Retrons

Seq: CAJCAU010000138.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:138/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (11731 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 886-6014 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [886, 6016] Cas2_I_II_III CRISPR_Cas6 RVT-CRISPR Cas1_I-II-III carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c Feature: gene Location: 886-1164 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas2_I_II_III Location: 898-1111 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas2 _I_II_III Location: 898-1111 bp Feature: gene Location: 1407-4373 bp Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas6 Location: 1995-2280 bp Feature: domain Description: CRISPR_Cas6 Location: 1995-2 2 80 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 2577-3177 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-CRISPR Note: CRISPR RT Location: 2 577-3177 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas1_I-II-III Location: 3414-4317 bp Feature: domain Description: Cas1_I-II-III Location: 3414-4317 bp Feature: gene Location: 4709-5293 bp Feature: gene Location: 5303-6016 bp Feature: domain Description: carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c Location: 5321-5759 bp Feature: domain Description: carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c Location: 532 1-5759 bp Feature: domain Description: carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c Location: 5777-6014 bp Feature: domain Description: carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c Location: 5777-6014 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Cas2_I_II_III (cl11442), CRISPR_Cas6 (pfam10040), RVT-CRISPR, Cas1_I-II-III (cl00656), carb_red_PTCR-like_SDR_c (cd05324)

Seq: CAJCAU010000276.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:276/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (25696 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 11339-17804 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [11339, 17818] MPP_1 Metallophos COG5635 YfmG RVT-DGRs YfmG Avd_like Feature: gene Location: 11339-12406 bp Feature: domain Description: MPP_1 Location: 11438-12185 bp Feature: domain Description: MPP_1 Location: 1143 8-12185 bp Feature: gene Location: 12502-15978 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 12535-13297 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 1253 5-13 297 bp Feature: domain Description: COG5635 Location: 13852-14206 bp Feature: domain Description: COG563 5 Location: 13 852-14206 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 15349-15955 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 153 49-15955 bp Feature: gene Location: 16121-17014 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 16232-16820 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 1623 2-16820 bp Feature: gene Location: 17088-17426 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 17103-17220 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 17103 -17220 bp Feature: gene Location: 17480-17818 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 17576-17804 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 17576-17804 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT MPP_1 (cd07400), Metallophos (pfam00149), COG5635 (Predicted NTPase, NACHT family domain ), YfmG (COG1262), RVT-DGRs, Avd_like (cd16376)

Seq: CAJCAU010000343.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:343/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (2121 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 1-2083 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [1, 2118] cyclo_dehyd_2 RVT-UG4 TOMM_pelo Feature: gene Location: 1-732 bp Feature: domain Description: cyclo_dehyd_2 Location: 511-733 bp Feature: domain Description: cyclo_dehyd_2 Location: 511-733 bp Feature: gene Location: 352-1842 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 1162-1600 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-UG4 Note: UG4 RT Location: 1162-1600 bp Feature: gene Location: 1966-2118 bp Feature: domain Description: TOMM_pelo Location: 1969-2083 bp Feature: domain Description: TOMM_pelo Location: 1969-2083 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT cyclo_dehyd_2 (TIGR03882), RVT-UG4, TOMM_pelo (TIGR03793)

Seq: CAJCAU010000412.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:412/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (6083 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 3122-5889 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [3122, 5900] Avd_like RVT-DGRs DUF1566 Feature: gene Location: 3122-3481 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 3149-3461 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 3149-3461 bp Feature: gene Location: 3516-3716 bp Feature: gene Location: 3686-5392 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 3941-4661 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 3941-4661 bp Feature: gene Location: 5385-5900 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF1566 Location: 5520-5889 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF15 66 Location: 5 5 20-5 889 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Avd_like (cd16376), RVT-DGRs, DUF1566 (pfam07603)

Seq: CAJCAU010000435.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:435/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (9758 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 342-8928 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [342, 8928] Metallophos COG5635 YfmG RVT-DGRs Metallophos YfmG Feature: gene Location: 342-4076 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 576-1308 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 576 -1308 bp Feature: domain Description: COG5635 Location: 1794-2946 bp Feature: domain Description: COG56 35 Location: 1794-2946 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 3246-4059 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 3246 -4059 bp Feature: gene Location: 4233-4463 bp Feature: gene Location: 4609-5079 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 4660-4936 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 46 6 0-4936 bp Feature: gene Location: 5214-8675 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 5247-6006 bp Feature: domain Description: Metallophos Location: 5247-6 006 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8055-8658 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8055-86 58 bp Feature: gene Location: 8722-8928 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Metallophos (pfam00149), COG5635 (Predicted NTPase, NACHT family domain ), YfmG (COG1262), RVT-DGRs

Seq: CAJCAU010000438.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:438/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (11290 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 5783-8654 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [5783, 8659] dnstrm_HI1420 RVT-DGRs Avd_like YfmG Feature: gene Location: 5783-6037 bp Feature: domain Description: dnstrm_HI1420 Location: 5786-6005 bp Feature: domain Description: dnstrm_HI1420 Location: 57 86-6005 bp Feature: gene Location: 6566-6985 bp Feature: gene Location: 7249-8046 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 7456-7792 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 7 456-7 7 92 bp Feature: gene Location: 8043-8378 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 8067-8370 bp Feature: domain Description: Avd_like Location: 8067 -837 0 bp Feature: gene Location: 8432-8659 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8435-8654 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 8435-8654 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT dnstrm_HI1420 (TIGR02684), RVT-DGRs, Avd_like (cd16376), YfmG (COG1262)

Seq: CAJCAU010000473.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:473/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (13682 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 9500-13617 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [9500, 13617] DUF772 DDE_Tnp_1 RVT-GII Feature: gene Location: 9500-10774 bp Feature: gene Location: 11001-12191 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF772 Location: 11139-11271 bp Feature: domain Description: DUF772 Location: 11139-11271 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 Location: 11604-11838 bp Feature: domain Description: DDE_Tnp_1 Location: 11604-118 38 bp Feature: gene Location: 12176-12970 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 12185-12578 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-GII Note: GII (Group II introns RT) Location: 1218 5-12578 bp Feature: gene Location: 13177-13617 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT DUF772 (pfam05598), DDE_Tnp_1 (pfam01609), RVT-GII

Seq: CAJCAU010000558.1 uncultured Lamprocystis sp. isolate Loc080925-7m_bin-0257 genome assembly, contig: bin-0257:558/607, whole genome shotgun sequence (9349 bp)
Overview 1 RT 1: 77-3443 bp Neighborhood of RT #1 [77, 3484] Hrd RVT-DGRs YfmG PRK14164 Feature: gene Location: 77-706 bp Feature: domain Description: Hrd Location: 422-629 bp Feature: domain Description: Hrd Location: 422-629 bp Feature: gene Location: 703-1701 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 913-1510 bp Feature: RT Description: RVT-DGRs Note: DGRs RT Location: 9 13-1510 bp Feature: gene Location: 1694-2491 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 1769-2465 bp Feature: domain Description: YfmG Location: 1769 -2465 bp Feature: gene Location: 2927-3484 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK14164 Location: 3023-3443 bp Feature: domain Description: PRK14164 Location: 3023-3443 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
Associated domains:myRT Hrd (LOAD_Hrd), RVT-DGRs, YfmG (COG1262), PRK14164 (heat shock protein GrpE; Provisional)