Website Description

GutBac is a website that provides information about protein landscape of human-gut associated bacterial species, learned from more than a thousand of metaproteomic datasets. 2,511 distinct genomes were observed to be expressed in at least one out of the total 1,276 metaproteomics datasets that were surveyed.

The Genomes page provides detailed information about the protein landscape for each genome, including the samples in which these genomes were observed (which can show if a genome is a likely a generalist or a specialist), total protein expression level across samples (e.g., Phocaeicola vulgatus had the most number of spectra), and details about the protein expression in each genome.

In addition, GutBac provides information about the putative operon structures (with/without spectra support), rescued ORFs (ORFs that had metaproteomic evidence but were missed by de novo gene predictors), and proteins that form co-occurrence modules (so are likely to be involved in the same biological process).

GutBac can be accessed via individual genomes with visualization (Genomes) or in bulk (Download).

Ref: Moses Stamboulian, Jamie Canderan and Yuzhen Ye. Metaproteomics as a tool for studying the protein landscape of human-gut bacterial species (under review)

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