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genome2sample2Proteins2Nspecs_dic.json JSON containing number of PSMs for each protein in each sample for each genome.
annotations.tar.gz KEGG and COG annotations data for the predicted proteins.
orf_annotations.tar.gz Annotations for the missed ORFs.
study_files.csv List of files used in this study and corresponding source ProteomeXchange ID.
networks.tar.gz Protein co-occurrence modules (in Cytoscape format)
spectra.tar.gz MSGF+ raw spectra data.
genome_to_taxonomy.csv Taxonomic assignment of the genomes.
sample2study_dic.json JSON containing the list of samples and the associated study. See for a full list of studies.
genome2sample2pointsNormalized_dic.json JSON containing the normalized spectra counts for each genome in a given sample.

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