myDGR report for CAFQ01000015.1

Seq: CAFQ01000015.1 (198771 bp)

Download:  annotation in gff; reverse transcriptase (RT); target gene; accessory gene

Explore:   TR-VR alignment (colored, MSA); domain organization of the target protein(s); similar RTs

Visualize: summary of the putative DGR system(s) (explain)

Overview 1 Locus 1: 64448-84891 bp Zoom in on locus 1 Feature: CDS Location: 64448-64687 bp Feature: CDS Location: 65019-65462 bp Feature: CDS Location: 65459-65800 bp Feature: CDS Location: 65813-66358 bp Feature: CDS Location: 66355-67035 bp Feature: CDS Location: 67040-67894 bp Feature: CDS Location: 67891-68775 bp Feature: CDS Location: 68785-69102 bp Feature: CDS Location: 69146-69445 bp Feature: CDS Location: 69544-69843 bp Feature: CDS Location: 69990-70268 bp Feature: CDS Location: 70529-70687 bp Feature: CDS Location: 70935-71462 bp Feature: CDS Location: 71362-71883 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72028-72243 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72562-72759 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72788-72919 bp Feature: CDS Location: 72945-73175 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 73227-73592 bp Feature: CDS Location: 73766-73990 bp Feature: CDS Location: 73999-74331 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 74737-75099 bp Feature: CDS Location: 75130-75597 bp Feature: accessory Des: AVD Location: 75612-75989 bp Feature: RT Des: DGR reverse transcriptase Location: 76036-77316 bp Feature: CDS Location: 77329-78054 bp Feature: CDS Location: 78051-78335 bp Feature: CDS Location: 78354-78689 bp Feature: CDS Location: 78697-79665 bp Feature: CDS Location: 79972-80508 bp Feature: CDS Location: 80505-81095 bp Feature: CDS Location: 81095-81475 bp Feature: CDS Location: 81475-81738 bp Feature: CDS Location: 81735-82118 bp Feature: CDS Location: 82184-82630 bp Feature: CDS Location: 82627-82866 bp Feature: CDS Location: 82863-83543 bp Feature: CDS Location: 83543-83809 bp Feature: CDS Location: 84033-84278 bp Feature: CDS Location: 84334-84669 bp Feature: CDS Location: 84676-84891 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.