myDGR report for LBUR01000007.1

Seq: LBUR01000007.1 (46226 bp)

Download:  annotation in gff; reverse transcriptase (RT); target gene; accessory gene

Explore:   TR-VR alignment (colored, MSA); domain organization of the target protein(s); similar RTs

Visualize: summary of the putative DGR system(s) (explain)

Overview 1 Locus 1: 34596-46082 bp Zoom in on locus 1 Feature: CDS Location: 34596-34964 bp Feature: CDS Location: 35124-35357 bp Feature: CDS Location: 35456-35677 bp Feature: CDS Location: 35685-36095 bp Feature: CDS Location: 36222-36950 bp Feature: CDS Location: 37101-37637 bp Feature: CDS Location: 37781-38119 bp Feature: CDS Location: 38260-39048 bp Feature: CDS Location: 39145-39687 bp Feature: CDS Location: 39822-40526 bp Feature: CDS Location: 40560-40754 bp Feature: CDS Location: 41009-41653 bp Feature: CDS Location: 41793-42140 bp Feature: CDS Location: 42397-43596 bp Feature: RT Des: DGR reverse transcriptase Location: 43988-44989 bp Feature: accessory Des: Avd_like Location: 45102-45380 bp Feature: CDS Location: 45400-45558 bp Feature: CDS Location: 45656-45835 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 45947-46225 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.