myDGR report for SRS052027_LANL_scaffold_10277

Seq: SRS052027_LANL_scaffold_10277 (63678 bp)

Download:  annotation in gff; reverse transcriptase (RT); target gene; genes next to RT

Explore:   TR-VR alignment (colored, MSA); domain organization of the target protein(s); similar RTs

Visualize: summary of the putative DGR system(s) (explain)

Overview 1 Locus 1: 632-27075 bp 2 Locus 2: 41309-62308 bp Zoom in on locus 1 Zoom in on locus 2 Feature: CDS Location: 632-3382 bp Feature: CDS Location: 3541-6279 bp Feature: CDS Location: 6369-7982 bp Feature: CDS Location: 8104-10470 bp Feature: CDS Location: 10852-11445 bp Feature: CDS Location: 11448-12026 bp Feature: CDS Location: 12013-12507 bp Feature: CDS Location: 12511-12909 bp Feature: CDS Location: 12928-13311 bp Feature: RT Des: DGR reverse transcriptase Location: 13289-14299 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 14659-15966 bp Feature: CDS Location: 15968-16240 bp Feature: CDS Location: 16323-16715 bp Feature: CDS Location: 16727-21124 bp Feature: CDS Location: 21109-22317 bp Feature: CDS Location: 22319-22828 bp Feature: CDS Location: 22855-27075 bp Feature: CDS Location: 41309-41797 bp Feature: CDS Location: 41810-42223 bp Feature: CDS Location: 42398-42667 bp Feature: CDS Location: 42664-42921 bp Feature: CDS Location: 42927-43226 bp Feature: CDS Location: 43279-43521 bp Feature: CDS Location: 43541-43870 bp Feature: CDS Location: 43851-44741 bp Feature: CDS Location: 44754-45596 bp Feature: CDS Location: 45602-45799 bp Feature: CDS Location: 45812-46975 bp Feature: CDS Location: 46996-47460 bp Feature: CDS Location: 47499-47762 bp Feature: CDS Location: 47762-47983 bp Feature: CDS Location: 47987-48592 bp Feature: CDS Location: 48603-49337 bp Feature: CDS Location: 49322-50116 bp Feature: CDS Location: 50192-50938 bp Feature: CDS Location: 50950-51243 bp Feature: CDS Location: 51257-51685 bp Feature: CDS Location: 51687-52070 bp Feature: target Des: target gene diversified by DGR Location: 52082-52576 bp Feature: CDS Location: 52573-53313 bp Feature: CDS Location: 53316-54209 bp Feature: CDS Location: 54223-54624 bp Feature: CDS Location: 54633-56624 bp Feature: CDS Location: 56678-56968 bp Feature: CDS Location: 57174-57563 bp Feature: CDS Location: 57565-57777 bp Feature: CDS Location: 57946-58443 bp Feature: CDS Location: 58768-58950 bp Feature: CDS Location: 58966-59250 bp Feature: CDS Location: 59258-59758 bp Feature: CDS Location: 60158-61468 bp Feature: CDS Location: 61922-62308 bp Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.